Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

Sing 2, very enjoyable, even Bono wasn't bad in it. 7/10

Off topic but I have to say my attention span is completely gone these days and It's very hard to switch off and lose myself in a movie.
I normally have to watch a film in two halves nowadays. But most often I'll just get bored after 20 minutes and never go back to it.
I reckon I have some form of Adult attention-deficit disorder tbh.
A 40 minute tv series episode is manageable, but i can't binge watch anymore.

Youtube videos actually suit me better as they're short and sweet and you're guaranteed to be interested in a video if you start watching it in the first place.

That said, I wouldn't mind not having a telly and internet for a while and see how I get on without it.

My record player and my books would probably be a lovely way to spend the evening.
I haven't watched a movie in over a year, it's more a lack of time than anything else but I think Youtube is a fantastic resource for watching stuff you're interested in for short periods.

I rarely watch any TV nowadays, I think I wasted enough of my life watching it when I was younger and don't miss it at all.
I pay for Netflix and Sky and all I do is listen to music. Can't concentrate either. I was addicted to series during college and had to stop that. I was going to bed at 5am, not a good look.
I watch movies occasionally
Colette- watched it on TV last night and enjoyed it. It was about a female author who was writing under her husbands name. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette was her full name and this is the lady below.
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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