Close Encounters Of The Third Kind 10/10.
Going for a close encounter of a turd kind there now myself.
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind 10/10.
spend less time thinking about underage bosum and more time on what you’re watching, you fucking creep. that should see you through.Off topic but I have to say my attention span is completely gone these days and It's very hard to switch off and lose myself in a movie.
I normally have to watch a film in two halves nowadays. But most often I'll just get bored after 20 minutes and never go back to it.
I reckon I have some form of Adult attention-deficit disorder tbh.
A 40 minute tv series episode is manageable, but i can't binge watch anymore.
Youtube videos actually suit me better as they're short and sweet and you're guaranteed to be interested in a video if you start watching it in the first place.
That said, I wouldn't mind not having a telly and internet for a while and see how I get on without it.
My record player and my books would probably be a lovely way to spend the evening.
Well I neverspend less time thinking about underage bosum and more time on what you’re watching, you fucking creep. that should see you through.
spend less time thinking about underage bosum and more time on what you’re watching, you fucking creep. that should see you through.