public sector vs private sector

What's with "another"? They got a levy on their pension which is guaranteed come hell or high cut my hole...........election in 6 weeks, FG-Lab take over, Gilmore says he won't cut PS pay, so the IMF walk in and cut their pay by's gonna happen.
I'm not convinced that the ICTU leaders, Jack O Connor apart, will bring the house down around us over this. The likes of David Begg are not stupid. Borrowing 400m a week to pay the public bill cant continue. It will be a brave union that will strike over this, however just they may feel their cause to be. They must know that the government cannot afford to give in. The money markets will dry up as far as Ireland is concerned if they do.
24-7 Alliance, SIPTU and ICTU all say November 6th is the day. That's curious because if the Greens say no to NAMA in 10 days time there will be an election - 3 week lead time - end of October/start of November.........taking holding the country to ransom to a whole new level.
Think it's inevitable there has be a public paycut. A 20bn gap is just non-sustainable However this may lead to more problems for some private sector workers, especially tradesmen as it will knock consumer confidence again just as it was recovering, so it's odd to see some people rubbing their hands with glee about it.

I think it's unlikely there will be any significant strikes, don't think there is the appetite for it from anyone, public or private.

On the subject of the IMF my suspicion is it would be a cold day in hell before the newly emboldened Merkel would let the IMF loose on a eurozone economy.
Think it's inevitable there has be a public paycut. A 20bn gap is just non-sustainable However this may lead to more problems for some private sector workers, especially tradesmen as it will knock consumer confidence again just as it was recovering, so it's odd to see some people rubbing their hands with glee about it.

I think it's unlikely there will be any significant strikes, don't think there is the appetite for it from anyone, public or private.

On the subject of the IMF my suspicion is it would be a cold day in hell before the newly emboldened Merkel would let the IMF loose on a eurozone economy

Would imply the EU would do anything for us to avoid it - 80 billion isn't enough ? Might be even more of a reason to vote No - turn the screw.
The difference is Merkel's price vs the IMF price. It still rankles in Deutschland that some of their leading banks and financial services relocated to Ireland for our 12.5% tax rate and non-existent regulation. Merkel's price would be corporate tax and governance reforms.

Hopefully the current junta of dullards we have in charge would find that marginally more palatable than cutting health and education etc. The IMF, going on past form would slash and burn public services and welfare. The question is which would be more detrimental to us? And how would the government of the day call it, Washington or Berlin?

My guess still though is that we are no more likely to see the IMF in Ireland than we are in Schleswig-Holstein or Connecticut or any other small regional economy within a larger framework.
Who here thinks the public sector should get another pay cut?

It's unbelieveable that these parasites are asking for a pay rise and are going to go on strike if the government do the only logical thing open to them and cut pay.

However, this pay cut could should be led from the top, like all good business practice , with ministers taking a 30% cut.

Don't hold your breath.
It's unbelieveable that these parasites are asking for a pay rise and are going to go on strike if the government do the only logical thing open to them and cut pay.

However, this pay cut could should be led from the top, like all good business practice , with ministers taking a 30% cut.

Don't hold your breath.

Your dead right,Cuts should start at the top.And ministers should get a 50% cut.
Theres no leadership in this government,thats the problem..
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