pj coogan show

Yourone on about the cakes. Nobody eats that much
I heard that one. She was fierce annoying. "Anyone can bake," etc. Like baking is going to solve my athlete's foot.

I was wondering what station I was listening to, though. I didn't recognise it as 96fm until I looked at the radio dial. The presenter was very nice and had a gentle middle class voice, so I was confused.
I heard that one. She was fierce annoying. "Anyone can bake," etc. Like baking is going to solve my athlete's foot.

I was wondering what station I was listening to, though. I didn't recognise it as 96fm until I looked at the radio dial. The presenter was very nice and had a gentle middle class voice, so I was confused.
Pastry is a science. Some can manage. Others, not so much. There are genuinely people who can't make bread or cakes and bread like proper bread is harder than cakes. Some fucking assholes think they make a digestive base snd cream and baileys topping and wow, I'm talented
PJ we all share your sadness and frustration at the sight of those sleeping in doorways but sadly many of them will not
go into hostels, some feel safer outside daft as it may seem,
PJ we all share your sadness and frustration at the sight of those sleeping in doorways but sadly many of them will not
go into hostels, some feel safer outside daft as it may seem,

This is true - the council also running a cold weather initiative whereby those unable or unwilling to take a bed in Simon/SVP hostels, etc can be put up in b&b or hotel. Some will still decline even this form of accommodation.
As Forde said on the programme, there is a bed available for anyone that wants one.
Homelessness will always be there and everywhere. Even countries like Sweden or Norway with a very robust social welfare system have huge numbers of rough sleepers to deal with. Always has been a significant issue in Stockholm despite various initiatives and programmes by government and charities there.

The idea of opening up sports halls/community venues a red herring. Such a solution not suitable for disparate group of rough sleepers suffering from various issues around mental health and/or addiction. If a rough sleeper won't take up offer of their own room in a hostel or b&b, they won't take up a camp bed in a sports hall.
Enjoyable old show this morning. PJ asking people to call in with their Christmas disasters.

One woman dropped the whole Christmas Dinner on the floor when taking it out of the oven and served it anyway without a word 🤣
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