pj coogan show

This thread dying a death, bit like poor Peej's show itself. However, he was was excellent this am, with lady that had suffered domestic abuse. Peej allowed her tell he story and handled it very well.

Peej should play it back to the Debenhams workers or Tommy or Mick the next time they're in studio to show them what real struggle is like. People calling because their energy bills won't allow them the second trip to Lanza this year would do well to take note too.

Show showed what a powerful medium radio can be if Peej stops just phoning it in with yet another diatribe from the usual suspects about "how everything is terrible and we need more money from them fellas in government above in Dublin".
This thread dying a death, bit like poor Peej's show itself. However, he was was excellent this am, with lady that had suffered domestic abuse. Peej allowed her tell he story and handled it very well.

Peej should play it back to the Debenhams workers or Tommy or Mick the next time they're in studio to show them what real struggle is like. People calling because their energy bills won't allow them the second trip to Lanza this year would do well to take note too.

Show showed what a powerful medium radio can be if Peej stops just phoning it in with yet another diatribe from the usual suspects about "how everything is terrible and we need more money from them fellas in government above in Dublin".
PJ handles stories like this very well and with empathy and compassion but the show is bogged down on bad news angles
and anger at govt for all problems,
PJ handles stories like this very well and with empathy and compassion but the show is bogged down on bad news angles
and anger at govt for all problems,

PeeJ has to know that the show isn't what it should be, he's a clever man who knows the industry. Hopefully he can revive it before it's too late, as when the Opinion Line was good, it was Unparalleled.

Was it when Dee left that the downfall began?

I don't tune into the radio much during the week now but I enjoy CRY Youghal on a Saturday morning. Mick Sheehan followed by Noel Cronin, who always has something interesting to say about the history of the local area. I'd say Noel and PJ have crossed paths, Noel is in radio a long time.
A woman on today who has mice in her house.
I didn't hear all of it but she mentioned that she wanted a transfer to another area
Mick Barry is having a protest at 2.00pm today in solidarity with the cruelly evicted mice

Jerry Buttimer insists that the mice will have to leave/remain in the property.

Rich Boy Barrett and Paul Murphy blame the West and NATO.

Tommy Gould has promised her a new social home once he stops objecting to new social homes.

Da Gubbermint can transfer her to Perth or Sydney as long as she pays for it herself.
PJ signed off by saying programme produced by Emer O Hea , That is Albertos wife, she was working with Neil

Is Emer in to shake things up and rattle Peej out of his comfort zone.
Instead of endless tirades from Tommy and Mick, we'll have Emer telling us about what Alberto gets up to of an evening!!
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