Silly indeed. Have you not noticed the utterly empty City Centre in the Winter before C19? The twenty something boarded up shop on Patrick Street? I doubt if you have ever endured a Park and Ride. Rode a Train to the Library. Carried a TV from the SoundStore or O Callaghans, waited 50 minutes for a Douglas Bus or cycled on either Douglas Road. A taxi to town is €10, another €10 back. Yes, silly you.
Thats the point - the city needs a change to breathe life back into it, it is a dead duck as it stands but you want to persist with it. If the city is to thrive it needs to become a destination for shoppers, families, people eating, culture, events etc etc, not just burger joints and JD Sports
Persisting with the old city full of cars is not going to lend itself to any of that. I have been to many amazing cities, I don't ever remember thinking that the best thing about them was all of the cars, why is that?