No Parking = No City

Positive People

You can still do these amazing things, just park in one of the car parks and walk for 5 mins. Cars add nothing positive to a city
They add People! Proof of the Pudding is that City Council periodically stop charging for Parking in order to entice people to come into the City.
Q Park Grand Parade is €6:30 for two hours. There were plenty of central two hour on street parking zones, for €2.

I gave the price for one hour so nothing fake.
North Main Street has first two hours free so you can waddle your arse up to the Market and Soundstore and back and save your yourself €2. Watch out for the day trippers from Bandon though, they might slow your progress.

Why do you keep editing your posts?
They add People!

really? Driving in to Paul Street car park and walking to 2 mins into Patrick Street changes all of that does it? I thought park and ride, busses, trains, bicycles, walking, taxis, car parks around the periphery etc also contributed to this incredible feat of getting people into the city.. silly me

@Choice It is disingenuous to ignore the large zones of two hour parking we had.
Do you always think debate is an excuse to anonymously sling insults?
Not Working

really? Driving in to Paul Street car park and walking to 2 mins into Patrick Street changes all of that does it? I thought park and ride, busses, trains, bicycles, walking, taxis, car parks around the periphery etc also contributed to this incredible feat of getting people into the city.. silly me

Silly indeed. Have you not noticed the utterly empty City Centre in the Winter before C19? The twenty something boarded up shop on Patrick Street? I doubt if you have ever endured a Park and Ride. Rode a Train to the Library. Carried a TV from the SoundStore or O Callaghans, waited 50 minutes for a Douglas Bus or cycled on either Douglas Road. A taxi to town is €10, another €10 back. Yes, silly you.
Silly indeed. I doubt if you have ever endured a Park and Ride. Carried a TV from the SoundStore or O Callaghans, waited 50 minutes for a Douglas Bus or cycled on either Douglas Road. A taxi to town is €10, another €10 back. Yes, silly you.

Soundstore, go to Wilton. O Callaghans, go to Kinsale Road and you can park outside the door or get it delivered.

Soundstore, go to Wilton. O Callaghans, go to Kinsale Road and you can park outside the door or get it delivered.

So we would DRIVE to these soulless places BECAUSE THEY HAVE FREE AVAILABLE PARKING......

The result of these, and myriad other shops moving out, is no more browsing, shopping, socialising, n the City Centre.
Again, City Council provide Free Parking periodically in order to entice people into the City Centre.
The mental reservation at play here is astounding.

I urge everyone to take a look at Billy McGills photos of the CC during the Winters before Covid.
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Boarded Up

You continue to hide where you live and how often you bring your car to the City Centre during Office Hours.
O Casey's probably own the building. Unlike the two dozen retailers who have left their rented premises boarded up on Patrick Street. I have often looked in the windows of Caseys, notably seeing nobody in there.
Again Billy McGill has produced dozens and dozens of photos of an empty City Centre prior to Covid.
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