Next event you're going to?

What's the next gig you're going to, or hoping to attend?

For me

Definite: OneRepublic at Savoy
Hopefully: Cathy Davey at The Pavilion, Tegan and Sara at the Olympia

Yay for going on workplacement and soon having money again! :D
Next scheduled event for me is dan le sac & scroobius pip @ Pav..
Prob head in to Cathy Davey too, haven't stalked her in a while, hopefully her people have forgotten about me now..
The wild beasts on friday night
Easter sunday up to Limerick for siege of Limerick
April is a busy month then with the ocean collective, possibly a trip to manchester to see arch enemy, descreation in cork, Gamma bomb, Negura Bunget, and then up to dublin the may bank holiday weekend for bolt thrower and rotting christ
community scratch games!!!!!!

this weekend in cork is looking nice as well with the monthly sessions Africa Brasil and Sunday Times, and the new visual artist showcase in freds on sunday evening
Silver Mount Zion at the corporation in Sheffield on Thursday and a Smorgasbord of great live music at Oxfringe fest in Oxford next week. Woohoo!
The Pavillion, 13 Careys Lane, Cork City

17th Mar 2025 @ 5:30 pm
More info..

Tony O'Donovan

Dwyers of Cork, Today @ 9:30pm

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