Moving back to Cork from California - Genius or Eejit?

In life you just have to make a decision and throw the kitchen sink at it. The fact you have been contemplating for a while subconsciously your already in Cork so just do it don’t look back.
True enough. To be fair, we moved from Washington DC to California in 2008, and even back then herself was suggesting going to Ireland instead. Celtic Tiger had just had its balls cut off though, so we said we'd do California instead. The thought's never gone away though.

Like jeepers said though, the MAGA period brought it into focus. There's nothing more sobering than your daughter coming home from school, and when you ask her what she learnt that day it was what to do and where to hide in the event of a mass shooting.
The weather will kill you if you come home. You genuinely don't properly remember how depressing winter autumn spring and most of summer are. I have to go to the canaries in the height of winter to stop myself from self harm
Joan As Police Woman
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

11th Apr 2025 @ 8:00 pm
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Blue Road: The Edna O’brien Story (12A)

Triskel Arts Centre, Today @ 8pm

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