City mouse turned country mouse here… I grew up in the suburbs of San Jose and Saratoga, and lived along the Peninsula (Mountain View, Shallow/Palo Alto, and Burlingame), before spending nearly half of my life in the city. I know that Apple is near Knocka, but have yet to visit the area. I’ve been to Blackpool, walked around Shandon, Lover’s Walk, Montenotte, Mayfield, Silver Springs, and Tivoli, but have yet to explore the north side. Crossing the city here is nearly as bad as trying to cross Market Street in San Francisco during Critical Mass.
I have yet to try Bud here only because I didn’t want to be that Yank who drinks Bud. But, I will give it a go if what you say is true. I don’t mind telling you that I wouldn’t make it a habit so. I genuinely like Murphy’s. You should see the looks of disgust I get when I ask for Murphy’s outside of Cork. It’s priceless. Sometimes I’ll do it to wind up the bartender. Seriously though, opening a brewery would be good. And, even better is when it is a success, so that we can rightly claim it as our own. I’m already thinking of names.
When I saw Barefoot, my jaw dropped. And, FFS, just as I recovered, I saw jugs of Gallo. 200 bottles of wine would be easy enough to disperse and consume. I gave away most of the wine and liquor, and then held many dinner parties before moving. It’s a shame I could not pack them in the shipping container. You’re spoiled with Northern California wines - Healdsburg, Sonoma Valley, Napa, Alexander Valley are a skip and a jump away. Are you still convinced about returning to Cork? You definitely can get decent wine here, but nothing complex for less than €25 or so. By the way, the government is raising the minimum price of alcohol. (See the update list things I miss.)
And the steak… I know what you mean. Meat and poultry are much better here than in The States, but it’s the preparation and cooking techniques that have not evolved. There is a reason that Irish (and English and German cuisine, for that matter) have not proliferated. I’ve found food here as relatively generally bland and not too adventurous. But, it definitely seems to be changing. Restaurant are getting all fusion, like. We’re getting notions here so. Chinese food over chips. I shook my head when I saw it. Good luck finding decent sushi here. At least there, even passable sushi is easy available at your grocery store. Unrelated, but have you seen that Rachael Allen wan? Fucking hell. Motherfucking hell.
I’m with you on the begrudgers - fuck ‘em. I’m a recovering Catholic (Catholic and Jesuit schooling), and do not think I could have had any joy here 20 years ago. You mentioned the gays - that is one thing, coming from San Francisco, that I no longer see daily. It didn’t occur to me until a year after moving here that I miss gay people. I’m sure they are around, but it’s definitely more difficult to identify them here in the countryside.
Bring the bike - you’ll want to ride it (there is no way around saying ride in this context) as the price of gas/petrol is nearly double than the Bay Area. Imagine if we had New Jersey gas prices, here…
How many times has your wife visited Ireland? And, did she see it during crap weather?
Things I miss:
Asian food (decent Asian food), alcohol (less costly and variety)
Beer (different beers) and the occasional Giants baseball game
Costco, Costco, Costco
Dim sum (yes, it’s Asian food, but it’s an event, really), diversity, donuts, big dinner parties (they just do not happen here in the countryside)
Energy (less costly utilities)
Family and friends (number one miss)
Garlic fries, gays
Mexican food, municipal transportation
Positive outlook, thinking, and reinforcement; the Prius brigade