Michelle O'Neill Appreciation Thread.

Whereas MON says she is First Minister for all she certainly is not there for women. Her silence on under age sex is awful.
It’s awful. Just awful. Awfully awful. It’s unfathomably awful. C’mon Michelle, get your priorities straight. It’s awfully important you outline your position on underage sex as it’s the whole reason there are a multitude of nursing posts that can’t be filled, why workers need to go on strike for the first time in NI history, why the ranks of the PSNI are depleting, why the roads and hospital infrastructure are crumbling down.
Forget about all the important crises above, daftbrush wants to know your position on underage sex. It’s awfully important to him so it is. He’s fully convinced your position on underage sex will fill nursing posts.

Whereas MON says she is First Minister for all she certainly is not there for women. Her silence on under age sex is awful.
Again, I don't know what you're implying here.

What are you actually saying?

Are you an LLM?

What the fuck is the implication?

Your posts in general are one liners, they have no substance whatsoever.

So for the third time, what are you actually saying here?

You sound like a nonce.
MON got pregnant at 15, no big deal
Why he keeps going on about, no idea
But from reading his posts he seems a bit lost in general

Teenaged pregnancy isn't the problem it once was like.

If anything, it's going to the other extreme, lots of my friends are pushing 40 before they are finally in a position where they feel ready for kids, i.e. have a stable job and home, etc. The decision to have more than 2 is often taken away at that stage, if you're lucky enough to have kids at all.

What's weird though, is the sly comments DB peppers in any thread vaguely relating to SF, with no substance, what a creep.
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