Yea I agree JA will be weak but with teams coming down now (thank god) it will get tougher and I can see it getting as competitive as it was around earlier on in the decade.
Yea I agree JA will be weak but with teams coming down now (thank god) it will get tougher and I can see it getting as competitive as it was around earlier on in the decade.
The premier junior is taking shape.
In the new competition structure that has developed over the last 5 years or so, there are about 15 + clubs playing premier junior or intermediate that would have been down playing junior division in the old system.
While the restructuring has been a resounding success, It has weakened the junior divisional championships a lot.
The next step is to look at some sort of regrading of junior at divisional level or maybe amalgamate some divisions to make more competitive Junior A & B competitions regionally.
Little possibility of that happening in the new structure, which has more accurate gradings and obviously lots more grades to get up through than before. The old intermediate was a terribly weak grade with no mandatory relegation and 20 teams sitting in limbo every year, winning little and neither going up or down.. that’s why so many of the best junior sides went up through it quickly enough.When you have an exceptionally good side they can go through the junior handy enough. What I’m thinking of are the really good young sides who won their junior division and go through the county easily enough. Canovee are one of those teams. I was away for a few weeks with work so missed the later stages of this years championship. I was surprised that Killavullen and the west cork winners Barryroe limped out so poorly at the QF stage, but injuries played a part in that people are saying. Either of those may have put it up to Canovee a bit better, who weren’t tested.
In the past especially when there was just 3 grades, lots of the very good junior teams waltzed through the intermediate and many made the later stages of the senior county championship, all within a short period. I can think of a few that even made the senior final.
I think the winners of most regions including Muskerry & Avondhu won their division games very easily. Carbery is the one division that is very competitive for sure.Carbery, Avondhu & Muskerry will still have decent championships but lacking the big quality alright.
Any where you can watch the game online or tv ?