Jeffrey Epstein has many friends

Things seem to have quitened down here now so im off.

Is it okay to nominate another torch bearer in the interests of INTERNET messaging services?

I nominate TheOutdoorThreadmill, im liking the cut of his jib lately, so tg, toty, will you take on this burden while I go and face this corona ridden city?

This is my cup of peace.
Mattie’s_Bitch is desperate to take the spotlight off the pedophile Republican Party since he identifies with it “morally”. It’s about all that constant pearl clutching. 😢

Why bring Mattlough into this? You are a very low shooter Dr.

I hope she comes in here and does something radical like calls you a cunt.
Bill is a dirty boy.

If he was pictured in the company of Jeffrey Dahmer getting a massage off one of his future victims would we be asking questions was Bill involved in any foul play? Be sure we would.
Mattie’s_Bitch is desperate to take the spotlight off the pedophile Republican Party since he identifies with it “morally”. It’s about all that constant pearl clutching. 😢


He couldn’t care less about victims of sexual violence. Unless they were allegedly carried out by democrats. His repeated refusal to comment on Trumps alleged victims proves that.

It says it all really.
Here’s Epstein’s portrait of Billy:

It was hanging in Epstein’s gaff

It’s basically saying:

You’re my bitch Billy

Nothing to see here though

Fan boys like Dr.Olive and that dope that follows him around are delusional

But but but Trump was a billionaire playboy banging pornstars

Shows ya these lads character

No empathy for Epstein’s victims
No empathy for police who risk their lives to keep the likes of Chicago cretin safe
No empathy for the young victims of the “peaceful” protests, dead kids
Not a mention of David Dorn
No empathy for businesses owners being destroyed
No empathy for anyone at all.

Absolute knackers

One Chicago knacker
And a Quora knacker
Knocking on now, ain't we not baffled anymore but occasionally surprised, which of course is good news but a decline of a kind...and why anyone, for instance Mattie, who is clearly not at all dim might want other than for the sake of being contrary might side/defend a known sleaze in Clinton...and maybe it's boredom and who knows. Being a woman never changes in certain circumstances while mean can lack any circumstance...if you follow me. Nature has by way of wise design design given it's ultimate responsibility to women or the more than one way. Covid-19 demonstrates(d) to me which gender I want in charge...for those struggling with later...much later.

Some years ago, making my way home from more well paid clusterfucks opening Oil Wells, already half -gunned on a long haul flight, when a well known journalist slumped down beside me, for the better read, she wrote wonderful stuff for years for the UK Independent,when it was a top notch read, pretended that I had no idea who she was, as you do, the night wore on we gibbered on, drunk as fiddlers bitches,terrific company and not at all saucy, she mentioned interviewing Clinton (already knew she had)....and I asked ..? .. by the end I wanted to molest him!...Life, it's not all on TV and never ever saw her again or spoke though we exchanged usual....go live life ,don't pose,vogue and send and work as if your life depends on it.
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Bill Clinton wouldn’t harm a fly

Never has, never will.

CNN is gospel

Antifa are students

Quora is a great way to learn about the world

Socialism works

Hillary Clinton is a lovely person and should be president

Trump colluded with Russia

Trump was in the mafia

Trump is going to kill all Docs friends

Trump is going to cause WW3

Flying to the biggest pedo known to man’s island is innocence

Bill didn’t inhale

Bill only took a neck rub from a 22 year old Epstein victim coz he was wrecked tired.

The retarded man that billy killed deserved it

^^^^ basically the beliefs of our two fucking morons
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