Immigration Thread

This is going to come to a head soon. The government has clearly bitten off way more than it can chew. Even at work my everyday work colleagues are talking about it. They're apathetic but they are talking about. Not just the far right.

Its off the wall stuff. Much like the recent referendum, I dont know anyone happy with whats going on.


The cost to the taxpayer is eye-watering.
O'Gorman and the Greens have a lot to answer for.

Erra we're a soft touch. If you tried that shit anywhere else you'd be deported before the end of the week.
FG and FF enabled this, the whole way through.
They are equally culpable!
The government as a whole are culpable for this. But to say the shinners would've done different based on what we've seen so far. I laugh. Irish politics is in the doldrums. The main partys need to pivot away from this nonsense or we need an entirely new party to rise from this mess (unlikely for a decade at least)
The government as a whole are culpable for this. But to say the shinners would've done different based on what we've seen so far. I laugh. Irish politics is in the doldrums. The main partys need to pivot away from this nonsense or we need an entirely new party to rise from this mess (unlikely for a decade at least)

Spot on.

Theres been a systemic failure across the board

The bone headed idiocy of attempting to scrap direct provision by buying up hotels and guest houses. Which has been a disaster in terms of pissing people off and communities losing amenities.

To Justice simply allowing people with no travel documents to enter and remain in the country. Then compounding matters by not enforcing deportation orders.

I think we have reached a tipping point where labelling people far right isnt going to cut it for political parties and media anymore.

All the main political parties and opposition aren't providing the kind of tough line on immigration that people are clearly crying out for. We saw last Friday just how staggeringly out of touch our political class are.
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They will in their bollox

I agree with you btw but look how the Examiner is reporting that.

They've trashed the place. That should be front page news but no, nothing to see here 🙄

The culprits should be reprimanded and it should go against their application for asylum but "thrashed"? A few upside down chairs and a few dozen pieces of cutlery on the ground? Lol. You ever been at an Irish wedding when a proper fight breaks out between families?!!

This crowd didn't even do a call out video. Amateurs.
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