Gay pub erasing gay folx

Always a horrible week to be going out in town. The place crawling with pissed up mucksavages behaving like they're acting out the start of 2001 A Space Odyssey, wearing ill-advised skinny jeans, leaving the place reeking of piss, gawk and cheap deodorant.
The rain on Thursday night kept them off the streets late at night.
Reardens are entitled to brand their pub whatever way they want. It's undoubtedly a blow to the LGBTQ+ community not to have their own bar and it's good for the reputation of the city to have a bar in the middle of the city that is very visibly queer friendly.

I thought some of the hysteria is a bit over-egged like it being a 'safe space' but in fairness looking at the size of the crowd out protesting it obviously is a big deal to a lot of Cork people. Many gay people probably find it really safe, convenient and reassuring when there's a bar that is very focussed on the gay scene, has drag shows or whatever, but if Reardens feel it's not doing the business on the balance sheet then they are entitled to change it. People start club nights and weekly live music slots all the time and publicans give them the boot if there's either no crowd or the crowd doesn't drink enough.

I remember speaking to one publican in the city years ago being pissed off because his bar became a place for a lot of Apple workers to watch matches during the Euros. He'd have six Europeanyoung professionals all sitting around one glass of sparkling water for two hours. It used to drive him mad because this was an opportunity to offset all the quiet week nights and wet weekends.

It looks like Reardens have made a balls of the PR and didn't communicate (properly) with those who are very dependent on and loyal to Chambers, but publicans aren't big corporate companies with PR experts and touchy feely communication teams either. They could have treated their customers and performers a bit better by the sounds of it but Chambers/Sinners will still be jointed. Student bars are easy to enough run, they don't demand much. All they want are the big brand beers at the cheapest possible price and a DJ who'll play the same 50 recognisable songs every single night ending with Come On Eileen or Rock the Boat.

Those against the change are entitled to protest and take their business elsewhere but that's all they can do. It looks like they've burned their bridges.

Anyone with the key to Loafers gathering dust on a shelf at home might be in for a bonanza.
They won't be displaced for too long. The Park is essentially a gay bar, and just a few minutes walk from Chambers. If I was the owner of the Park I'd make an effort now to publicise how gay friendly it is, and let these former Chambers customers know they have a place to go.
They won't be displaced for too long. The Park is essentially a gay bar, and just a few minutes walk from Chambers. If I was the owner of the Park I'd make an effort now to publicise how gay friendly it is, and let these former Chambers customers know they have a place to go.
The Park is a bit rough around the edges though. I think the ex-Chambers crowd might be into something a bit more classy and it needs a decent stage for the drag shows don't forget.

Always a risk pigeon-holeing your bar to one particular set of people, be it particular genre of music, tourists, gay bars etc. If the market changes you're in trouble.
The Park is a bit rough around the edges though. I think the ex-Chambers crowd might be into something a bit more classy and it needs a decent stage for the drag shows don't forget.

Always a risk pigeon-holeing your bar to one particular set of people, be it particular genre of music, tourists, gay bars etc. If the market changes you're in trouble.

I'm fairly sure the girl who runs The Park for Benny used manage Chambers, so she might be able to tempt some of that crowd in. I agree with what you say though.

Maybe the Pav? They're already doing gay and drag events, so I guess that's an obvious place for people to go
Always a horrible week to be going out in town. The place crawling with pissed up mucksavages behaving like they're acting out the start of 2001 A Space Odyssey, wearing ill-advised skinny jeans, leaving the place reeking of piss, gawk and cheap deodorant.

Lowest common sort of barely teen/post teen learner drinker punters.
Like mart day in Macroom complete with bovines. Awful hole.
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