Francafrique Rebellion

Interesting thing about Niger and Francafrique more broadly is 3 points.
  • Europeans and Americans withdrew from the country.
  • ECOWAS than threatened to invade.
  • U turn was made because unlike Cuba in the 60s Niger had allies Mali and Burkina who would come to her aid.
All this goes to show that Niger and Francafrique have be exemplary in removing elites from power.
Could a hot second cold become WW3? This is how I see it happening. First off in Eastern Europe both Russia and NATO ultimately declare war on each other in Ukraine thus begining the war that is followed by China coming to Russia's aid by invading Taiwan. The US retaliates by going after Russian and Iranian forces in Syria with the help of Israel. The Russians kick into action with more support in the form of military aid being funneled into Francafrique, a wave of coups follow. The war becomes really heated up traditional neutral countries in Europe like Ireland, Switzerland and Austria agree to host NATO bases in harbours and the use of airspace while the Chinese and Iranians set up military outposts in Venezuela and Cuba as a springboard to launch attacks against the US. Finally a coalition of Asian - Pacific states attack China and North Korea in the South China Sea.
China are yonks ahead and would destroy satellites and use electromagnetic weapons to wipe out power grids all over the world.
We could still throw stones at them though.
Both Russia and The US hold weapons so deadly they could wipe each other off the face of the map and know it too. A war between the two is very unlikely.
Could a hot second cold become WW3? This is how I see it happening. First off in Eastern Europe both Russia and NATO ultimately declare war on each other in Ukraine thus begining the war that is followed by China coming to Russia's aid by invading Taiwan. The US retaliates by going after Russian and Iranian forces in Syria with the help of Israel. The Russians kick into action with more support in the form of military aid being funneled into Francafrique, a wave of coups follow. The war becomes really heated up traditional neutral countries in Europe like Ireland, Switzerland and Austria agree to host NATO bases in harbours and the use of airspace while the Chinese and Iranians set up military outposts in Venezuela and Cuba as a springboard to launch attacks against the US. Finally a coalition of Asian - Pacific states attack China and North Korea in the South China Sea.
China aids Russia in a war on its western border by attacking Taiwan? 😂 Are you and your Russian pals so bored over there that you’re playing Risk?

How about this scenario? China helps Russia in your war by occupying all of Siberia.
Could a hot second cold become WW3? This is how I see it happening. First off in Eastern Europe both Russia and NATO ultimately declare war on each other in Ukraine thus begining the war that is followed by China coming to Russia's aid by invading Taiwan. The US retaliates by going after Russian and Iranian forces in Syria with the help of Israel. The Russians kick into action with more support in the form of military aid being funneled into Francafrique, a wave of coups follow. The war becomes really heated up traditional neutral countries in Europe like Ireland, Switzerland and Austria agree to host NATO bases in harbours and the use of airspace while the Chinese and Iranians set up military outposts in Venezuela and Cuba as a springboard to launch attacks against the US. Finally a coalition of Asian - Pacific states attack China and North Korea in the South China Sea.
Who left the worse legacy.. Franc Afrique or Frank Murphy?
Negotiations are going on between Niger and France but the French are saying they won't withdraw their troops and Niger claims that the French are going to intervene and have used a number of Francafrique countries as bases to go into Niger. Yet another Western invasion. Will the UN get involved to stop this or does Africa have to face yet another war.?
You are a Langer and a stalker following people around the threads That tell a story ,you immature gowl bag.
😂I have my answer. You posted a video with a monkey dancing which has no relevance at all to this thread.

You were offered a chance to provide context to your post and refused.

You’re a racist piece of shit.
The Dagenham Yanks
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