Right OK, where do we start, nowhere thats going to bring us to a reasonable discussion on the very many issues that face this country and how we can begin to mitigate against them and bring about longterm sustainable solutions, that's where!!
I have stated before that I have so many issues and frustrations with the current government and many previous ones on the constant mismanagement of various Departments of State that have left the country's public and many private services in the state that they are in. This decay has taken place over many years and decades, and it is due due the lack of foresight by senior civil servants not having any clear forward vision on how to adequately invest reinvest in infrastructure and services on a multiplier effect, aka build it and they will come. The better the public transport, the more they will use it, the more inclined they are to live in the area serviced by it, developers will build there, people buy property there, business set up there, company's open offices there and the place thrives, people want to live there because of all those things that make the place what it is, because its invested in.
Now that's a long one, if your still with me and asking where I'm going with this? Like I said my frustration lies with our administrations for not having the forward vision to implement what I've spoken about above. That's my frustration............
Derek Blighes awnser........ITS THE FOREIGNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is where I really get passed off, when I want someone with a real brain and vision to come out and present an alternative that we can all buy into, what do we get, a Racist, misogynistic, homophobic idiot.
This guy who stood outside Abbeyville with his arm around Andy Heasman, a man who beat his partner with the attachment of a hoover and sent her into early labour and was ran out of his estate in Dublin for pushing Heroine on teenagers.
"Oh but the mainstream media won't report what I want them to, but gript says this"
I'll ask one thing, with all these protests happening around, why don't the ever protest at illegal haulting sites?