Far-Right Protests in Fermoy

That's so good 😂 I personally agree with some of what Blighe says but I think there's no balance there. The likes of Mr Gomez are more than welcome in this country in my books (I don't know the whole story with him but assuming a law abiding citizen who contributes).

The government needs to sort its shit out when it comes to immigration all the same. A balanced conversation to be had that I don't think Blighe is capable of or belongs to.
Who cares.

People wringing their hands about this wally are only giving him the oxygen he craves.

Hes a couple of thousand followers on Twitter. Hes not even got the reach of PJ coogan.

Integration has gone long past cranks like Blighe to become a mainstream political issuewith 28% of those polled in the most recent Sunday Independent poll saying immigration is the most important issue in upcoming elections.
I thought Albert Reynolds defamation case was before a jury but maybe that was in England.
They awarded him derisory compensation if my memory is correct
No, to be fair to you, I think there are some exceptional cases that can still be heard before a Jury but in general they are judge only. Juries tended to award higher compensation than Judges.
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The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

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