Far-Right Protests in Fermoy

I see, nothing good comes out of wagers which we learned in the Glenville/Knocknasheeny ambush of 1811 didn’t we my dear friend? Do you think those men on that hallowed day sacrificed their lives for such tomfoolery?
Food for thought but the said fare is well past it's sell by date and embellishing it, even lavishing it with much condiment is, in my opinion sir just guising it with something else entirely.
Spotted National Party vermin outside Donnchadh O'Leary's office on Togher Rd yesterday. They do know he's not in government, right?
Very recently those same people would have been SF/IRA supporters, SF/IRA are a populist organisation and will not dare and make a stand on this issue either for or against.
That is what these people are annoyed at, SF/IRA the shower that fight for Ireland.
Very recently those same people would have been SF/IRA supporters, SF/IRA are a populist organisation and will not dare and make a stand on this issue either for or against.
That is what these people are annoyed at, SF/IRA the shower that fight for Ireland.
You can see from a lot of these individuals ramblings on social media that they turned on SF mainly due to their support for the Yes side on the last two referendums.
You can see from a lot of these individuals ramblings on social media that they turned on SF mainly due to their support for the Yes side on the last two referendums.
The only issue for these same people now is, where will their support go?
Are we going to see this Nationalist Party in the next General Election?
Cork Pride Parade
Grand Parade, Cork

4th Aug 2024 @ 2:00 pm
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