
I'm going to call you stupido again, because he said IRELAND GAVE ISRAEL 10 POINTS, stupido
Jez wept, who is this moron? Can you follow simple posts? Norton announced the UK public vote at the end of the broadcast as most broadcasters do, which as I said twice now was Israel 12, Ireland 10. Deepthroat said Ireland gave Israel 10, not me, you thick c8nt 😂
Jez wept, who is this moron? Can you follow simple posts? Norton announced the UK public vote at the end of the broadcast as most broadcasters do, which as I said twice now was Israel 12, Ireland 10. Deepthroat said Ireland gave Israel 10, not me, you thick c8nt 😂
I was replying to his post where he said Ireland gave Israel 10 points , and then you stupido jumped in and said that's correct, fuck off and go to bed
I was replying to his post where he said Ireland gave Israel 10 points , and then you stupido jumped in and said that's correct, fuck off and go to bed
You're the one that should go to bed. Deepthroat said what Marty announced at the end of broadcast like Norton did on the BBC as I said. Seriously now, how dumb are you that you can't grasp simple posts? Go to bed, sleep it off and it might be clearer for you in the morning, I have my doubts though :lol!:
Cork.Undressed: Independent Irish Creatives
The Roundy, Castle St.

26th Aug 2024 @ 8:30 pm
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