Elon Musk buys Twitter

Elon has a lot of low achievers triggered. He is the world's richest man, whether he has a degree or not is irrelevant, he will go down in history as one of the greatest minds and captains of industry of his time.
His companies have indeed achieved great things, SpaceX's ability to reuse rockets is absolutely revolutionary. There is no doubt whatsoever that Tesla has been pivotal in accelerating the EV market.

But his net worth is declining fast, Tesla's share price is down over 50% this year, and there is no way in hell Twitter is worth $44bn now.

Anyway, back to the car crash that is undermining his credibility at a rate of knots, Twitter.

9 days ago, everyone back to the office:

2 days ago, gets workers to commit to work unpaid overtime or you're fired:

Today, eh, everyone work from home again, offices are closed:

Reports of a lot of people refusing to sign up to this "offer" of enormous amounts of unpaid overtime.

Looks like Twitter will be kept alive by the shittiness of the H1B visa process...
His companies have indeed achieved great things, SpaceX's ability to reuse rockets is absolutely revolutionary. There is no doubt whatsoever that Tesla has been pivotal in accelerating the EV market.

But his net worth is declining fast, Tesla's share price is down over 50% this year, and there is no way in hell Twitter is worth $44bn now.

Anyway, back to the car crash that is undermining his credibility at a rate of knots, Twitter.

9 days ago, everyone back to the office:

2 days ago, gets workers to commit to work unpaid overtime or you're fired:

Today, eh, everyone work from home again, offices are closed:

Reports of a lot of people refusing to sign up to this "offer" of enormous amounts of unpaid overtime.

Looks like Twitter will be kept alive by the shittiness of the H1B visa process...

It's great to see how much personal time you put into this.

It's Twitter.

Who gives a fuck.
I like twitter. I think it's an important source of news and information. Almost never post but great for staying up to date.

Would much prefer if Elon didn't blow it up.
I respect your opinion.

The world existed before Twitter.

It can do without it now.

Maybe... just, maybe and it's only a maybe.... the world is a better place without insta updates.

Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

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