Dublin... Is a fucking shithole

Problem now is ppl that come from a so called respectable background are as likely to be up to their oxters in supplying and dealing as anyone else,
Death the traditional leveller has been replaced by heroin and coke,
In my younger days if u knew anyone caught with a bit of hash he’d be ostracised by family and friends,
By fuck now parents turn a blind eye to their kids dealing death as they also befefit indirectly,
And fyi one of my sons a 38 year old was stopped by the PSNI whilst driving an uninsured vehicle
Small amount of coke was found in his wallet,
To say I’m disappointed and disgusted is an understatement,
I’ve made it known to him, his siblings and my own that when it’s time for me to pop my clogs ,
He’s not repeat not welcome in Cork at my funeral,
This has caused a lot of grief ref some of my adult kids but fuck them,
Having lost a bro to heroin I absolutely 100 pc have no time for anyone either taking or dealing drugs,
They bring nothing but misery,
That stupid cunt if a son of mine has lost his own kids n wife over his behaviour,
Can’t be 2 faced,
Thankfully the rest are hard working ordinary Derry ppl
Getting in with their lives without the need to take coke
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I did have a quite a chuckle at him trying to pick himself up off the floor at the end. Some difference between that and the shapes he was throwing at the beginning 🤣 Fuck around & find out is appropriate here!
Some friends coming from abroad and asked me what to see in Dublin, gave them that link to get their ugly face on Guinness pint and Book of Kells, couldn't remember anything beyond. This topic gave me an idea and will send them the narcos way on quays
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