
Yes cyclist should keep themselves and those around them safe by staying into the side of the road and to allow faster moving vehicles to pass them easily, because cyclists are on obstruction on the open road.

And the image I shared directly addresses this point, and it turns out its more dangerous, hence why many cyclists practice defensive riding.

We don't do it to piss off drivers like yourself deliberately, we do it to keep ourselves safe.
Hamster wheel ?
You moaned about tractors on country roads.
I said that is a suitable environment for them, rather than on the likes of the N40.

What I would regard a valid point.

Then you ridicule my response ?

Strange that.
No need for the anger spacing, why would tractors be on the N40 and if the were and diving slowly, they can be overtaken quite easy.
I didn't moan about tractors being on country roads, I pointed out the irony of a farmer complaining about cyclists on country roads when they themselves are a bigger hinderance and obstacle to travellers on these roads.
You think the Internet is actually anonymous?
Have you heard of a thing called an IP Address, that your ISP stores?
You'll need a court order to get IP details from a service provider, and I don't think the judge will grant one based on online comments that may be incriminating in the event the author commits a related offence in the future.

You're confusing reality with the plot of Minority Report.

By the way, do you drive a car?
You'll need a court order to get IP details from a service provider, and I don't think the judge will grant one based on online comments that may be incriminating in the event the author commits a related offence in the future.

You're confusing reality with the plot of Minority Report.

By the way, do you drive a car?
Most cyclists also drive...yawn 🥱
You'll need a court order to get IP details from a service provider, and I don't think the judge will grant one based on online comments that may be incriminating in the event the author commits a related offence in the future.
Well, that was my point.
If the author gets himself in an accident, his previous record and utterances online can be used as evidence for the prosecution.
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