
The spokesperson further confirmed that one man was arrested at the scene and is currently being detained at a garda station in Cork. a passenger in the car? A belligerent passer by who got involved? In no way does the article say the driver was arrested yet "jank" found it imperative to mention that that driver was arrested to supplement his own agenda. a passenger in the car? A belligerent passer by who got involved? In no way does the article say the driver was arrested yet "jank" found it imperative to mention that that driver was arrested to supplement his own agenda.
Ah yea, an 'agenda'.

Will ya get out of it, FFS.

I note you don't give a fuck about the poor cyclist who was knocked down, but instead want to nit-pick and be a smellfungus.
Eh, OK. Another nail in the coffin that would turn the N40 into a motorway.

When was this "plan"?
What was the timeline for this?

Correct there is no plan. A study is not a plan, it's an investigation into the feasibility of it.
Spending €75k on a study is not a plan.
If there is a plan, show it.

Mate, take your pawning like a grown-up. You got confused by the N40, The South Ring Road and the N27, the South Link Road. You referenced the wrong maps after all in your other post.
And anyway, what this has to do with the N40 and its "plan" for motorway status and BusConnects.... no idea but I am sure it made sense in your simple child-like mind.

Clearly not given your last posts on the matter. You should thank me for educating you.

What does this have to do with BusConnects?

You made a meal out of your original point, let us examine this AGAIN!

The N40 was supposed to be a motorway but BusConnects stopped it.
That is your basic argument, an argument that has no truth or foundation to it.

There is or was no "plan" to upgrade the N40 to motorway status and even if there was BusConnects had no impact or implication on this non-existent "plan"

You are a person whose mind is so feeble-minded you get simple facts mixed and jumbled and come out with all conspiracy theory-led nonsense.

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You are an idiot and I am done with discussing this subject matter with you.
hope that cyclists who was injured in cobh is not to seriously injured... had a very close call myself the thursday before last..... i was heading along the contra flow cycle lane on my bike just opposite phil o sulliivans shop on frenches quay when an e scooter came towards me at about 18km an hour, nothing unusual about this but this guy was staring at something on the front of his scooter ( phone probably) and clearly didnt see me coming towards him, i shouted at him and he looked up and with brilliant reflexes he managed to go to his right hit the kerb( and miss me thankfully) but managing to stay on the scooter....this all happened in a split second like. loads of scooters and cyclists are using the cycle lanes incorrectly..same happens oppossite capwell bus station... if this isnt sorted im nearly safer staying out of the cycle lanes in certain places...
hope that cyclists who was injured in cobh is not to seriously injured... had a very close call myself the thursday before last..... i was heading along the contra flow cycle lane on my bike just opposite phil o sulliivans shop on frenches quay when an e scooter came towards me at about 18km an hour, nothing unusual about this but this guy was staring at something on the front of his scooter ( phone probably) and clearly didnt see me coming towards him, i shouted at him and he looked up and with brilliant reflexes he managed to go to his right hit the kerb( and miss me thankfully) but managing to stay on the scooter....this all happened in a split second like. loads of scooters and cyclists are using the cycle lanes incorrectly..same happens oppossite capwell bus station... if this isnt sorted im nearly safer staying out of the cycle lanes in certain places...
As you mention Capwell Bus Station driving down Summerhill South tonight a cyclist in cycle lane and scooter isn’t behind also in cycle lane - just as I’m about to pass them, the scooter isn’t without looking pulled out into traffic lane, overtook slower moving cyclist, and then pulled back into cycle lane. Lucky I was alert enough to expect the unexpected.
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