today Wednesday 6th November 2013 AD i was forced to have a mud-bath in a pool of water on the footpath and i was then abducted by GARDA OUTLAWS while conversing with a friend on the footpath outside ANGLESEA STREET COURTHOUSE,
the same gang ROBBED my shoulder-bag and umbrella
a little girl that was on the footpath and observing, was so shocked by the violent attack on me by one GARDA OUTLAW, she came over and thumped him one on his head and he tried to punch her, but the GARDA OUTLAW missed because she "floated like a butter-fly and stung like a bee" even though she is only about 11 or 12 years old, but two other GARDA OUTLAWS grabbed her little body and beat her little head a number of times against a wall and at least once against the footpath. i was in awe at that little girls courage to come to my defence against a 6 ft+ GARDA OUTLAW
i was then forced into the COURTHOUSE where some TWAT ADMINISTRATOR spoke some meaningless CRAP i did not UNDERSTAND and wanted me to accept some shit of paper intended for MR. LEO KEAVENEY, well that is not me because i remember not asking for or receiving any such TITLE, i did not enter into any CONTRACT with any IDIOT ADMINISTRATOR.
later i went to OUTLAW BRIDEWELL GARDA STATION to assist angela recover €50 the OUTLAWS ROBBED from her when those OUTLAWS had ABDUCTED angela while she assisted ewa defend against HSE OUTLAWS attempting to ABDUCT ewa's 4 year old son in the OUTLAW FAMILY COURT,
during the ABDUCTION of angela the GARDA OUTLAWS tore angela's coat and when i commanded the OUTLAWS to sew it they refused, further proof the OUTLAWS will not be any loss when they leave our domain,
while attempting to recover angela's €50 one of the OUTLAWS attacked angela and then claimed that angela had assaulted him and then ABDUCTED angela for the second time today, this video was made during one of my attempts to get some SERVICE from the GARDA OUTLAWS and return to me the body of the man called angela and in similar fashion to Johnny_5 in the movie Short Circuit, i was pissed off being ignored while i was trying to get some service from the OUTLAWS.
Banksy here.. ya this is a right mess, its after getting way too nasty and angry at this stage which helps no one.. Il try my best to explain things as best I can from what I know..
The video above has nothing to do with the Polish mother, the woman held in the Bridewell is a friend of Leo who was held for contempt of court yesterday, so the video is obviously of Leo expressing his anger towards Gardai.
The whole thing was a complete mess from the start. I understand Leo tried to call a community court and summon Gardai and HSE workers to be held accountable in order to try protect a mothers family. But if you are going to summon Gardai to a community court to be held accountable then it needs to be done properly, organised and in respectable honor. This was not any of that.. This unorganized calling of a community court is after causing massive arguments in groups and communities right across the country over the last few days.
But at this stage the most important thing is the mother and her child.. The HSE and Gardai got involved after the mother brought her child to the hospital for a quick check up and was told Jan who is Irish born is deficient in Vitamin D, which most Irish people are as Vitamin D Comes from the sun as well as many other places. But from this point on the HSE has been trying to take Jan off the mother and into the care of the HSE. This is where it all stems from as Ewa the mother of Jan felt there was something seriously wrong and got scared so looked for help to try and understand how the HSE operates and why they seem so desperate to take her child away..
I have talked to Ewa the mother on many occasions, she is a really nice health conscious woman, she is a vegan and does not like false foods or eating from animals as in today's world it is a massive cause of sickness due to whats being pumped into animals these days. So a deffiency of vitamin D can be common place amongst Vegans, Ewa first got scared when the hospitals started to try give Jan foods which are not healthy, Ewa does not beleive Jan should drink milk because of the high levels of estrogen (female hormone) and many other highly processed foods and chemicalised foods. She is just a very health conscious woman. Ive met Jan many times, he is a healthy energetic kid, its just his mother is very health conscious when it comes to nutrition and food. So when she seen the HSE trying to feed her child unhealthy foods and try take Jan from her and into the HSE. This is where Leo got involved.. He has been in battles with the HSE for a long time so he was obviously trying what he could to help her..
So thats where it all is at at the moment and the last few days have been way too much for my head. I met Ewa yesterday to see how she was and she was in good form just obviously worried about Jan as she does not trust the HSE at all, so she is genuinely scared of the HSE. She is not happy with the paperwork she was given and is going to be challenging the validity of it all. So thats the position at the moment. Thats all I know.. But I agree a mother and her child are on the line here so everything needs to be done properly and respectfully in honor.. Anger is not going to help anyone. So in respect to the Polish woman Ewa and her son Jan things need to be done properly and respectfully, as any mother trying to protect her kids deserves things done that way,
Cook cooLaugh all ye want lads, it could be your 'offspring' next.
Cantys, Today @ 9pm