Cork Group accuse HSE & Gardaí of Child Sex Trafficking

Cork Group accuse HSE & Gardaí of Child Sex Trafficking


A "freeman" group in Ballyphehane known as Baile Feitheain Heritage (Link to FB page) are accusing "Garda Outlaws" of abducting children for profit, trafficking, sexual abuse etc...

It all kicked off when they uploaded this video to their Equality Cork youtube channel on the 26th of October.

Video description:

OUTLAW members of AN GARDA SIOCHANA, COURT SERVICE, HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE (HSE), HOSPITALS, SOCIAL WELFARE, COMMUNITY WELFARE, SCHOOLS are operating in collusion to abduct offspring for the purpose of commercial profit, trafficking, abuse, sexual abuse and even raped. The HSE OUTLAWS can no longer be trusted as we now know the HSE to be controlled by a Pedophile cabal operating operating from within COMMON PURPOSE and UCC LAW SOCIETY (University College Cork)

Basically the man Leo in the video (who won't give Gardaí his name) is representing a woman called Ewa in Anglesea Street Garda Station, asking for the name of the Garda who he said tried to "abduct" Ewa's child from her home the day before.

They then "commanded" members of the Gardaí and HSE to come to Ballyphehane Community Centre yesterday morning at 9, where they would hold a "Brehon Court" and try to make the members stand trial!

Here's a video of them handing a letter into the HSE and Gardaí:

Here's how their "Eire Community Court" went down yesterday:


The Gardaí had a warrant for Ewa's arrest as she was due in Court the next day and she got taken away, with your man in the video repeatedly saying "Ewa do not give them your consent!"

Most mental thing I've seen going on in Cork in all my life! :shock:
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There was no mention from the Group why the HSE tried to remove the child from the home, but these 2 comments on the last video are worth a look:

Seanyboyh 1 day ago
What were the stated reasons behind the HSE ordering the child be removed from the mother? Also what proof did they provide to the Gardai or the courts for the order? I'm not looking for a lawful debate, i'm well versed in what you people are talking about and applaud you for it. Just looking for some background.

Marga Angelsong 1 day ago
It seems the H.S.E. are attempting to abduct this woman's young child, using the ludicrous excuse that he is "vitamin D deficient". Because she is defending and protecting her child, she is being punished by the Garda and the "Justice" (???) system! There is an insidious child trafficking ring operating in Ireland, and they are making up flimsy excuses to take perfectly healthy young children away from innocent parents! The result of "Yes" vote in "Childrens Referendum" last year!.
Just reading some of the posts on their facebook page

Baile Féitheáin Heritage said:
Sadly the HSE are now no different to the Magdaline Laundaries where kids are beaten and sexually abused on a regular basis. The HSE prey on single low income mothers who have little to no education on law or rights, as there is huge profits to be made from kidnapping kids and taking them into "care". In January 2013 the HSE were making 325 euro a week for each of the 4,500 kids in foster care ALONE, once kids are over 12 they make even more, if the kids have mental issues they get much more, and thats only the bare minimum, add just medication, doctor and nurse fees and taxes onto that and it becomes crazy figures. Within 6 months in July 2013 the HSE apprehended and detained another 1,000 kids making a minimum of which is just under 2 million euro a week made by foster parents alone. That works out at 166 kids a month kidnapped by the HSE a month. We now have single mothers who have had there kids both abused and sexually abused, some even torchered and mothers saying the kids are never the same when they get them back. In one scenario the HSE had passports ready to export for profit one child without the mother even knowing. We now know the HSE to be controlled by a Pedophile Cabal who operate commercially using entities such as Common Purpose to help them abduct kids.
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Baile Féitheáin Heritage said:
Child protective Servises is proven to be deeply involved in Sex Trafficking

This is also the very same in Cork, this is only starting to become exposed now but the HSE, FAMILY COURT SERVICE, COMMON PURPOSE and UCC LAW SOCIETY deeply involved.

All names, addresses, work places and photos of everyone involved in such actions will be posted publically accross social media. EVERYONE INVOLVED WILL BE HEALD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THERE ACTIONS"

And they linked to an Alex Jones video which claims the U.S. government are involved in child sex trafficking:

Baile Féitheáin Heritage said:
Let us get this very clear.. This is Sing Sing Prison, this is where all Paedophiles found in Cork will be detained while they await Judgement

This is the very prison the Black and Tans went when they were caught by the IRA. This was once the most feared Prison on earth and is still in perfect working order today. Eire Community will also be establishing a Paedofile Assets Beureau. Everyone involved is such horrific crimes will now be heald accountable for there actions.

The infamous "Sing Sing" Prison, North of Glanmire


The plot thickens....
They accuse the UCC Law Society of being involved:

Baile Féitheáin Heritage said:
This is the Bullshit "Law" the HSE use to commercially proffit from child / offspring abduction

Maritime Admiralty Law was the commercial policy of the Magdaline Laundaries. Maritime Admiralty Law is more commonly reffered to as UCC LAW with its governing body in Ireland being UCC LAW SOCIETY based at UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK. Meaning it was always UCC LAW SOCIETY who controlled the Magdaline Laundaries where over 30,000 women were abused and torchered,

All members of UCC LAW SOCIETY, HSE, COMMON PURPOSE etc.. And any OUTLAW guilty of abduction or trafficking for purposes of proffit or sexual abuse will now be held accountable for there actions.

Maritime Admiralty Law is now the commercial lies being fed to all Law Students in University College Cork, All UCC Law students are now opperating under full commercial liability and fully prosecutable if they try to commercially profit from the usage of UCC law in any way shape or form
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