Cork Group accuse HSE & Gardaí of Child Sex Trafficking

Just reading some of the posts on their facebook page

"Sadly the HSE are now no different to the Magdaline Laundaries where kids are beaten and sexually abused on a regular basis. The HSE prey on single low income mothers who have little to no education on law or rights, as there is huge profits to be made from kidnapping kids and taking them into "care". In January 2013 the HSE were making 325 euro a week for each of the 4,500 kids in foster care ALONE, once kids are over 12 they make even more, if the kids have mental issues they get much more, and thats only the bare minimum, add just medication, doctor and nurse fees and taxes onto that and it becomes crazy figures. Within 6 months in July 2013 the HSE apprehended and detained another 1,000 kids making a minimum of which is just under 2 million euro a week made by foster parents alone. That works out at 166 kids a month kidnapped by the HSE a month. We now have single mothers who have had there kids both abused and sexually abused, some even torchered and mothers saying the kids are never the same when they get them back. In one scenario the HSE had passports ready to export for profit one child without the mother even knowing. We now know the HSE to be controlled by a Pedophile Cabal who operate commercially using entities such as Common Purpose to help them abduct kids. "

Looking at some other stuff on the Facebook page.


..and accuse the Social Welfare of being involed also:

Baile Féitheáin Heritage said:
We have a video to upload of what happened in the Social Welfare office this morning, members of the social welfare ran away when the authority of birth certificates and trying to commercially enslave the people of Eire to commercial maritime admiralty law was challenged.

The Social Welfare are facillating this child trafficking ring by cutting off single parent payment, making Thoes involved more vulnerable and further at risk.. This is what our community is standing up to day. All this crap is comming to an immediate halt.

I can't see the video of the Social Welfare office on their channel, so it either wasn't uploaded or was taken down.
Is there any mainstream media link to this case. Genuinely I can't make any sense of this whatsoever. Why did they have an arrest warrant for the woman, why did the HSE want to take her kid into care - ?

Please don't link to any headbangers sites
Is there any mainstream media link to this case. Genuinely I can't make any sense of this whatsoever. Why did they have an arrest warrant for the woman, why did the HSE want to take her kid into care - ?

Please don't link to any headbangers sites

Is there a website for court pages?

The evening echo might be worth a look.

The woman's full name is mentioned here:

Won't even attempt to spell the 2nd name, but her first name is spelt Ewa all over their facebook page.
2 days after the Anglesea Garda Station video was posted,
they posted this up on facebook:


There was an abduction attempt in Greenmount again today at 1.45, where an attempted attack on a single mother and her 4 year old offspring.

There will be a big community gathering at 2pm at Ballyphehane Community Center tomorrow as we call on everyone to protect our community. Mothers, fathers and concerned adults will be meeting at 2pm to organise a major event tomorrow afternoon to bring this all to a halt for once and for all.

A major event is planned for tomorrow afternoon so we are calling for a major community gathering at 2pm Ballyphehane Community Center tomorrow, we ask everyone to bring fully recharged cameras and to share this status

Please Share this Status and share the word, thank you

They never elaborated on this incident.

Ewa is living in Greenmount as we know from the original video, so I presume this was the Gadaí's second attempt to bring the child into custody.
Not sure if it is related but I had a rather strange experience this afternoon... some aul fella knocking on my door (I don't live too far from Ballyphehane) saying I had probably heard about the child trafficking going on in Cork and would I like to make a once off donation to the campaign. Your man seemed like a chancer - he was carrying Plan Ireland literature for some reason. Wonder does it have anything to do with Ballyphenane thing?
Great vids
It's rare to get an insight into mental health issues on our doorstep like that.
Well done to those gardai who handled them so calmly
If those boyos turned up at the local cop shop in putins Russia they would never be seen again...ever
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