Just reading some of the posts on their facebook page
"Sadly the HSE are now no different to the Magdaline Laundaries where kids are beaten and sexually abused on a regular basis. The HSE prey on single low income mothers who have little to no education on law or rights, as there is huge profits to be made from kidnapping kids and taking them into "care". In January 2013 the HSE were making 325 euro a week for each of the 4,500 kids in foster care ALONE, once kids are over 12 they make even more, if the kids have mental issues they get much more, and thats only the bare minimum, add just medication, doctor and nurse fees and taxes onto that and it becomes crazy figures. Within 6 months in July 2013 the HSE apprehended and detained another 1,000 kids making a minimum of which is just under 2 million euro a week made by foster parents alone. That works out at 166 kids a month kidnapped by the HSE a month. We now have single mothers who have had there kids both abused and sexually abused, some even torchered and mothers saying the kids are never the same when they get them back. In one scenario the HSE had passports ready to export for profit one child without the mother even knowing. We now know the HSE to be controlled by a Pedophile Cabal who operate commercially using entities such as Common Purpose to help them abduct kids. "
Looking at some other stuff on the Facebook page.