Cork city has gone to the dogs.



"Gardaí are aware of an image circulating on social media which refers to a sign displayed in a business premises in Cork," An Garda Síochána said in a statement.

"No such instruction or advice was issued by An Garda Síochána. Local Gardaí have liaised with the business and the sign has since been removed.

"Gardaí in Anglesea Street continue to support local businesses by issuing crime prevention advice and conducting regular, high visibility patrols," the statement concluded.
The marina market was packed earlier.
Went into town a little later and it was dead. Lots of shops being boarded up or going out of business. Little attraction for going in to town these days. Just keeps getting rougher and rougher.
How could the city centre be busy in the middle of the day with a lot of people still working from home post-pandemic?

Mahon Point Market was also busy yesterday as all the home workers love to head to Marina Market etc in their cargo bikes.

The city is actually very busy now after 6.00pm bars, restaurants, cafes, ice cream, hair salons etc. which it never was before.
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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