6k to polish door handles. WTF

What kind of bollox are they engaging in here like, did they fly the door polishers in from Mongolia and put them up in the Hayfield Manor for a week?

There are a hundred lads on FAS doorknob polishing courses who could have done that for free, and had something to tell their grandkids about. You could have got the door polish itself for a few quid in Hickeys and supported a local business, but no it was probably important from Acencion Island on a private jet.

I’d say it was coach and six above who buffered all those knobs with his jar of brasso.
I also read on Twitter about annual costs for staff car parking going into a couple of hundred thousand each year.The private car parks in North Main Street,Grand Parade and the Black Ash are paid for 100s or maybe more of the more senior staff.This was part of a deal by unions last year,otherwise unions threatened strike action by staff in city hall.You couldn't make this stuff up m8s.

If these staff went on strike, would it matter?

I mean would there be any difference in productivity?
Did you know that council employees can choose a date in December to claim a half day for christmas shopping? Buddy works in the County hall and he’s taking his next week.
Pretty Woman The Musical
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

27th Jun 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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