2022 Premier Senior Hurling

Did you only learn the word recourse today? You’ve used it a lot this evening?
Another poor effort, did you have to google it? Ya poor thing.
Here's another you could google
Doxxing : search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent when rattled into oblivion.
Thanks for clarifying, so I know exactly what I didn’t do. I can sleep well now.

All jokes aside though, you need to relax man. Really hope you are ok. You don’t have to share anything with me, but just know that what I said to you last week when we met in Murphys Rock still stands as per the recorded footage captured Here , It’s Not Your Fault, it’s not your fault, it’s not your fault.

There was us thinking you were Matt Cooper when it was Matt Damon all along.

Night night sucker 😂😂😂😂😂
The fact that you get triggered so easily is hilarious.
I'm probably going to get a pasting here but I can see the logic behind a lot of what you did. I think there's little argument with 1st, 2nd,11th & 12th. It's the bit in the middle that can be hard to rank. Douglas 3rd on the basis they ran the Barrs to 4 points in the q/f and Newtown 4th for making s/f. Erin's Own have to be above the Glen as they beat them in the group. The order in which you rank 5th to 10th then becomes very subjective and fraught with difficulty. The obvious one is to have Erin's Own 5th but I assume your logic is they beat two poor teams and only drew with the team ranked 11th. Also they were well beaten by the Rockies. All sorts of metrics and parameters could be used but because the number of games is low (relative to say soccer) ranking the middle teams is never going to be easy. At least you had the balls to have a punt off it 👍
PS At least it's better than talking about f**king boundaries between clubs 😀

You're far too intelligent for this thread, and way too nice ;)
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