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  • I love your posts and you are a welcome addition to place that can sometimes be hostile to intelligence. I'd like to know what you think of Kanturk's chances against Rathmore on Saturday. I think they have at least a 50/50 chance but somebody said they are the 25th best in Cork playing the 9th best in Kerry.
    Thanks very much have been a long time reader of the forums, always enjoy takes from yourself WCG and Cork1990
    I’d imagine that could be the case the only thing that makes me reconsider is Kanturk have 3-4 players who can change the game at that level
    Eire Og got a right pasting at home to Tempenoe in a similar situation a few years back when they were a strong team at that grade. Many think Rathmore too talented for Kerry Int

    I’d fancy Rathmore by 3-4 but wouldn’t rule Kanturk out at all
    I was at that Templenoe game and Eire Og were very unlucky because the faced a gale force wind in the 1st half and Templenoe built up a huge lead that was impossible to peg back. Having said that, the better team won but the final score was a bit freakish.
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The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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