Crazy Christians



Seriously, nobody on the left thought Reagan had a prayer when he ran... look how that turned out.
We all like to laugh at her but to a lot on the right she's a credible Palin.

He'd been the governor of California and a successful one at that.

Palin's Alaska record was undistinguished, to say the least.

And the Gipper, in spite of being a patron saint to the GOP, wouldn't have a hope these days. Far too liberal, though he maintained to the end of his days (or rather, until his mind melted away) that health care is a communist plot, which would go over well at the moment. Likewise Nixon, definitely Ike. Nowadays they'd be centrist democrats.
Do, because at that stage I'll go and put my head in a bucket of water and leave it there.

I think Hillary will get the Dem nod this time. She may press Warren to be the number two but I can't see that happening. Warren's not going to run this time, though she might in 2020 if the Republicans get in this time, and I don't think an all-woman ticket would appeal enough.

It's hard to tell who else might throw their hat in for the Democrats. I doubt Biden will.

I think Romney's run his course. He'll try, but fail. His "please show this movie!" statement over The Interview and the crazy banning smacks of an early effort to appear more Murkan than last time. Bush III will be in there, certainly, as will Rand Paul (after Bush announced his proto-candidacy last week Paul took out a very well placed Google ad which took a swipe at him), Christie if he can lose some weight, distance himself from the bridge thing and not be tied to saying something good about Obama after New Jersey was ruined by storms two years ago. I said here about four years ago Graham seemed to be gearing up for it, and I still think he is.

Pretty certain Obama is an atheist like the growing number of intelligent people are these days, make no mistake the US is not yet ready for an atheist President, nor are a good many European countries yet prepared to be led by's fickle but a factor.

Palin won't be considered or the imbecile Bachmann which a pity given how their stupidity and lunacy is so entertaining. At least it was demonstrated that there just wasn't enough stupid people in the US to elect the deranged McCain and the dimwit Palin...The US was never going to elect a Mormon so Romney had a shot at it but ultimately it would have been a factor. Obama really didn't face serious opposition in either election, throw in the Tea Party rambling(s) and he walked it.

I think you pretty much have it summed up, Warren has repeatedly said she has no intention of far, maybe she has weighed things up pretty well, she would be my own preference along with say Sanders (never going to happen)or almost anyone but disingenuous Hillary who is a war warmongering, power hungry chameleon however my gut feeling is that she will be the nominee and certainly won't be another woman as running mate.

The GOP, well your guess is as good as mine, way things are shaping up J.Bush is an almost certainty if for no other reason than they haven't anyone better. Christie the Orca looks like he is going to bust every button he has tied and embroilled in trivial publicity that didn't make him look to clear plus many wingnuts accuse him of being a Democrat. Paul the perinial but a busted flush. Cruz a notable contender recently shot himself in the foot recently over $1.1 trillion spending package vote that caused him to incur the party and contradict his boss of the odious Mitch McConnel. Was interesting his comments about the last elections contenders when he said it was like watching a firing squad facing each other. J.B is no dimwit if anyone is going to unseat the Democratic candidate it's probably him.
Obama really didn't face serious opposition in either election...he walked it.

I wouldn't go that far at all at all. McCain was a serious contender who shot himself in the foot economically and with Palin. Romney didn't excite the party enough, but he crucified Obama in the second debate. Palin and Ryan were terrible picks for VP, and I think that if Palin hadn't been on the scene McCain would have been a lot closer to Obama.
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I wouldn't go that far at all at all. McCain was a serious contender who shot himself in the foot economically and with Palin. Romney didn't excite the party enough, but he crucified Obama in the second debate. Palin and Ryan were terrible picks for VP, and I think that if Palin hadn't been on the scene McCain would have been a lot closer to Obama.

Look no further than who he chose or accepted as running mate and then tell me he was ever a serious contender, through out the campaign he pronouncements from the stump were met with amazement, many questioned whether indeed he had or was losing his mind as his frailties increased. Obama won it because of McCain and Palin tandem as much as any other reason.He graduated 894 of 899 from USNA a reckless braggart given to crashing his aircraft, he is far from universally seen a war hero in the US.

From the little I have heard or read about J.B. he comes across as the smartest potential leader of the GOP for some time,it's been pretty much downhill for intelligence within GOP leadership since the days of the Evil old Lizard Reagan an acknowledged liar who was dumb as a tree stump and credited with much more than he ever achieved yet remarkably held in high esteem by many Americans while to me at least the eminently decent Carter is vilified and not just by the GOP.
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