Wireless internet downloading problem

Just looking to restore one of the threads that was deleted following the technical glitch earlier.

Basically, the situation is as follows - I've had vodafone wireless broadband at home for a while with no problems, but last night found that while I can still go online my download speeds had slowed down to approximately zero. I tried turning on and off the box, but that didn't solve the problem. I know that my laptop isn't the problem, as the exact same thing happened with another machine. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted!

Thanks in advance!
Whats the speed like when its wired?

I don't know how fast it normally is, but generally I have no complaints with it, but it's been goosed for a good few days now. I called vodafone on Wednesday or Thursday and the line I got was that there are works ongoing in my area at the moment, and that they should be completed by April 14, hence the piss poor service. Well, the good news hopefully things will right themselves on the schedule they indicated. If not, I'll be back on the phone to them next week.

Just as well I don't work from home!
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