Would they work for you if you took a small dose like every second day? Just enough to take the edge off?These days:
Have my own apartment
Full time stable job
Plenty of money
Exercise Daily
Am in actually very good shape
- But I don't feel happy.
Made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow and I think I'll have to ask him for a script for anti-depressants. I quit them last August. I did it properly. Weened myself off them over many months. First couple of months off them was plain sailing. I felt great. But the depression started creeping back in slowly. Now I'm at the point where I might have to start taking them again. The side effects are fucking crazy though. Last pill I was on Lexapro. Works like a charm for depression. But I have restless legs syndrome and it make sit much much worse. It also kills your sex drive completely. Now I wasn't riding anyone, but I couldn't even have an occasional Hilary Swank. It also made my concentration levels go to pot. Couldn't really watch movies, couldn't read in bed.
So I obviously don't want to go back on that fucking shit. They're basically doctor prescribed narcotics. Like MDMA they work by overloading serotonin in your brain, artificially. And like MDAMA etc they're addictive, they come with side effects, they cause long term damage, and they're a nightmare coming off.
Problem with the prescribed anti-depressants is that there are so many and it takes a few weeks for them to get to work. There's so many side effect too. Weight gain, brain zapps, low libido etc etc it's very difficult too determine which is best. I've been on some for years and used to take them in the morning, but sleeping was/is an issue. I had a bad 'episode' last year and was changed to a tab I take before bed to help with the sleep. I put on savage weight, cranky all the time, so I self weened it down to half a night and the weight has improved but I'm still short tempered. Anxiety is through the roof.