Your Mental Health

Very sorry to hear about that Heraldo. I dont know if you want solutions or comfort but i think Crusty Ring has some good advice.

Try to make you sure you are covering the basics as in getting enough quality sleep, getting a bit of exercise each day (ideally outdoors).
Also it’s perfectly ok to feel bad, thats a perfectly normal human reaction so don’t feel a bit guilty if you do feel down.

I know sometimes talking to people you know isnt always what you want to but there are people out there you can contact if you do need to get stuff out of your head and off your chest.

Sorry again for your loss.
Thanks BB I really appreciate your kind words. I am struggling but there is support around me.
I agree about the exercise but I may go for a long walk to clear my thoughts
I am a gym goer (twice a week) but not thinking about that right now.
This person was a work colleague too and work have been amazing
Been reading and watching a lot about Nazi Germany lately, and this book popped up in various places. I've only started it, but already I'm hooked. I'm listening on audiobook and this woman's charisma is oozing through my headphones. Half Autobiography, half self help book, it's worth a read/listen for either reason or both.

Had a rough week. Thought I was alright, but that Liverpool goal must have subconsciously hit me hard. Couldn't get out of bed most of the week. Sleeping when I wasn't even tired. Didn't even feel the need to have a drink or make a bet. Only recovered this afternoon.

That happens to us all Billy m8. Last year I got bloody bulldozed with 7 in one afternoon 😥 <insert OT joke here>

Glad you're feeling better though, seriously.
Thanks for all the kind replies
Seriously it means a lot

Feeling so empty
I guess grief is in stages right?
It is. But it's not linear. There are ups and downs.

No need to answer, but was it sudden? It's happened to me twice in my life, and for whatever reason, sudden deaths are by far the worst.
Worth a read.

From the article :

“I’m troubled that we’re telling people who’ve got genuinely difficult lives that the problem is inside their brain rather than outside in the world,” I said to Canadian doctor Gabor Maté when I interviewed him.

“It’s poor kids and kids of colour who are most likely to be diagnosed and medicated,” he replied. “This is trying to deal pharmacologically with what is essentially a social problem … All those years, when you were told that you had a biological disorder, did anybody ever tell you that your brain is shaped by the environment?”

“No,” I replied.

“That’s what the science has shown for decades.”

The turning point came when I visited Trinity College Dublin to interview neuroscientist Prof Claire Gillan for a mental health charity podcast. Gillan was studying feelings and behaviours across a variety of psychiatric diagnoses. I was accustomed to softball media engagements about fighting stigma, and expected more of the same. I asked what she had discovered.

“OCD is not a biological reality,” Gillan said, very matter of factly. “That’s what the data increasingly shows.”

A lump rose in my throat. I fumbled for a response. Hadn’t researchers proved that OCD brains are different biologically? (Some neuroimaging studies show increased activity in various cortices.) “Abnormalities in these regions are by no means exclusive to OCD,” Gillan said. “A great many disorders show the same kinds of brain changes.”

I didn’t know this. I thought my brain shared the same abnormalities as everyone else with OCD and that these were the root causes of our obsessions; that we had brains that were measurably different from the brains of people with, say, ADHD or anorexia. I thought this was the definition of “official” diagnosis. Gillan explained that, on the contrary, psychiatric diagnoses are not based on biomarkers, they are subjective constructs.
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