Your Mental Health

Sorry for your loss.
I feel guilty now over the comment above. What if there's no phone call? That emotional shit does not help at all
Correct boy but it’s not a matter of if but when
Sorry for your loss.
I feel guilty now over the comment above. What if there's no phone call? That emotional shit does not help at all
now in hindsight and years later I realise that there’s nothing one can do really
If someone wants to harm themselves or OD they will
Know it sounds harsh but my personal opinion is that anyone putting a needle in their arm is actually trying to end the misery and it’s a kind of suicide
Ya. I noticed this in the last few months.. A fuck load of drug seizures every week.

One of two things:

Either the guards have snoops or there is a massive appetite.
AGS can’t cope
Most low level addicts arrested do drop names but it’s like trying to hold back the tide
We’re in the middle of a serious drug problem and we’re ( Ireland) not doing enough ref wet centre’s etc
Between alcohol and drugs our young face horrendous life choices
But I'd argue they do not want to kill themselves, that it's primarily an addiction. The addiction probably started by trying to block something else out.
Surely that's where you start looking at the problem from.
Have you ever lost someone to addiction, had a relationship with an addict or had someone you were close to destroy themselves? I'm not qualified to help addicts. They drag everyone down around them. My ex was an alcoholic as well.
They don't listen to reason. They turn it against you.
But I'd argue they do not want to kill themselves, that it's primarily an addiction. The addiction probably started by trying to block something else out.
Surely that's where you start looking at the problem from.
Either that or life circumstances that they can't cope with, could be family, finance or work related.

You can't sit back and let it play out if there are children involved, they must be protected.
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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