Wuhan Wheeze

for no reason?

say ~25000 measured cases - so say 50,000 cases overall.
and 984 in hospital (in hospital means they're sick and need a HCP to look after them).

what happens if all the people isolating for "no reason" stop isolating.

that becomes 100,000 or 200,000 overall - and the 984 in hospital quadruples.

and then someone in my family gets a stroke or a heart attack - and there's no beds because the infected people had no reason to stay off work.

steady as she goes - and no fucking crazy talk.
Every year before Covid, we would have hundreds and thousands of people with colds or the flu at this time of year.
Omnicron is proving to be a bloody cold.

Can we just stay logical ?
Every year before Covid, we would have hundreds and thousands of people with colds or the flu at this time of year.
Omnicron is proving to be a bloody cold.

Can we just stay logical ?
Yes, and because it happens every year, we have a rough idea what will happen. So we prepare and are able to deal with it when it comes.

Covid is a two year old disease, and this variant is a couple of months old.

We're still gathering data on it ffs.
Every year before Covid, we would have hundreds and thousands of people with colds or the flu at this time of year.
Omnicron is proving to be a bloody cold.

Can we just stay logical ?
With almost 1000 in hospital at the moment when we’re restricting it’s spread.

If 15% of us have it (85% don’t) and there’s 1000 in hospital because of it. It’s not an impossible sum.
Yes, and because it happens every year, we have a rough idea what will happen. So we prepare and are able to deal with it when it comes.

Covid is a two year old disease, and this variant is a couple of months old.

We're still gathering data on it ffs.
So who is this ' we '

South Africa seems to have come out the other side of it now and is more or less back to normal.

When will.the penny drop?

If you are vaccinated and you pick up Omnicron, then you a have a cold.

If you have a chip on your shoulder and are an anti vaxxer then tough shit if you end up on ICU or die from it.

If you are immune compromised then what is the issue, there is always such bugs around. Lock yourself away in isolation.

It is blatant that hospital numbers are going down while case numbers are rocketing.

Logic is telling a story here
So who is this ' we '

South Africa seems to have come out the other side of it now and is more or less back to normal.

When will.the penny drop?

If you are vaccinated and you pick up Omnicron, then you a have a cold.

If you have a chip on your shoulder and are an anti vaxxer then tough shit if you end up on ICU or die from it.

If you are immune compromised then what is the issue, there is always such bugs around. Lock yourself away in isolation.

It is blatant that hospital numbers are going down while case numbers are rocketing.

Logic is telling a story here
We is the whole world m8, all of us.

And I for one will be listening to the experts gathering this data, be they epidemiologist, viroligists, doctors, public health experts or whoever.

You see, I'm not a polymath like you who is an expert on health care, the law, journalism, education and pretending to be a woman.
Brian Gallagher Plus Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

2nd Nov 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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