Wuhan Wheeze

There should be an antigen test option for the unvaxxed for clubs, bars and restaurants the way there is in other countries. I'm very pro-vax but I don't like the idea of somebody who is willing to do a test but who doesn't want to take the vaccine not being allowed into places. It's poisonous for society to be that divisive. I would happily sit next to somebody if they'd done an antigen test.
I know you're right. It just makes me so mad.

My mam was in hospital a few weeks ago. Not covid related and she is fine now thank God. But the terror or not knowing if there will be an ICU bed for her if she needs it is ever present.

I have another close family member with cancer. Again, the thought that they might need an ICU bed and not be able to get it because some muppet thinks that their right to be a muppet is more important than anyone else's right to live infuriates me.
This is exactly it.

All well and good until you’re NEEDLESSLY blocking a hospital bed for someone who could have had it if you didn’t think you’re couple of hours reading “alternative facts” made you more knowledgeable than the like of Tony Hoolahn and Professor Luke o Neill.

Best wishes to your family member.
I would be ok with it if it meant kids could enjoy christmas,
Children will enjoy Christmas regardless I would imagine, it's just that a full lockdown over Christmas at this stage is a looming threat if numbers don't begin to drop soon, this could drive a lot of businesses under.

Yeah we need Sinn Fein in government.

Anyone know if any hospitals in the Republic have closed their emergency dept doors as they have done in Northern Ireland this week?
There wont be any ED's closed in Cork. The contingency plan is the same as last year although we just missed it by the skin of our teeth. The Marquee tents will be rolled out in Carparks in due course.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
The Gables, Douglas St.

22nd May 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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An Audience With Liverpool Legends

Cork Opera House, Today @ 7:30pm

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