As someone involved in throwing shite like that map together, the process would have gone something like:
Somebody gets an idea that a map of where all the players are from is a good idea;
Somebody junior gets asked to throw it together at fairly short notice;
The junior person uses a nice looking stock map, and puts most effort into the mapping of where the players are from;
A quick review by a senior editor, again more focused on the actual players names and making sure you get their home county right;
And off to print if goes.
The unfortunate reality is that's the formal administrative name of the County. It's a not always political statement if ends up on something.
It's a bit like that CSO tweet during the Olympics that had cut out the North. The CSO only work in data for the Irish Republic, so their basic mapping files only cover that area. If somebody has to quickly throw something together that's what they're working with.