What's the best bread for toast?

Didn't eat toast for ages, but came across Johnston Mooney & O'Brien 'Toastie' bread in the bread bin yesterday morning, and decided to try it.

It was quite nice, TBH. I initially had two slices, but went back for two more slices shortly after. :bday:
Didn't eat toast for ages, but came across Johnston Mooney & O'Brien 'Toastie' bread in the bin yesterday morning, and decided to try it.

It was quite nice, TBH. I initially had two slices, but went back for two more slices shortly after. :bday:

Taking bread out of the bin to eat, Billy?

I suppose it’s Nov and t’twill stay fresh in there till tomorrow at least

Pick the green bits off and lash into the toaster

Grand boy

I was about to say that is foreign bread from Dumplin but have we any bakerys down this way anymore.
Brennans, Pat the Baker and all those are foreign.
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