What are they up to on the Tivoli Road?

All the road works malarky with the dredging ship beside the wall. As your diving by is claims the area has 'speed camera's' watching but i have yet to spot them!

What are they up to, strengthening the bank wall or what?
Is the Jack Lynch Tunnel still leaking? The amount of times those stupid cones appeared on that thing... its as though the council workers purposely made an effort to make a snake like passage with cones for drivers. backlog of traffic and not a council worker in sight. So stupid
Lol... ya but I cant imagine it being used that much by pedestrians. Ive never seen anyone walking around down in Tivoli. Theres nowhere to go. Maybe people out walking I guess but seems like another pointless construction and waste of money! Getting more rubbish bins installed on Patrick street or padestrianising it would be a better idea than this nonsense.
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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Ruben Berrios Septet

Coughlan's, Tomorrow @ 7:30pm

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