Welcome Palestine

The West always responds too late to disasters, the Hamas attack on 0ct 7th happened due to the escalating violence in the West Bank perpetrated by Israel which the West tolerated, after Hamas launched the atrocity against Israel the West was like do what you must to Israel but what Israel wanted was revenge the West should have intervened on or just after Oct 7th to prevent the situation from getting out of hand but instead Israel was allowed off the hook to reign destruction. Here is a fact the Serbian Kosovo war which saw NATO intervention caused less deaths than the Israel Hamas war which has seen no intervention. Interesting facts.
Israel has been allowed to operate with impunity for decades. They've been murdering civilians for a long time and they've always been shielded from any sort of consequence. A lot of countries such as the US, UK, Germany, France etc have blood on their hands here because they have supported Israel through thick and thin despite them clearly being aggressors with no respect for any international law.
I know it might be a concept beyond you as it takes basic intelligence, If Hamass didn’t attack Israel on Oct 7th in such a heinous fashion killing innocent civilians and children we wouldn’t be talking about this now.

Here you go Corky. A post you made absolving Israel of blame for civilian deaths after I criticised Israel for their indiscriminate killing. Maybe your basic intelligence wasn't working that day. Maybe your just an apologist for a murdering regime. Maybe you're just a wanker. Who knows?
Here you go Corky. A post you made absolving Israel of blame for civilian deaths after I criticised Israel for their indiscriminate killing. Maybe your basic intelligence wasn't working that day. Maybe your just an apologist for a murdering regime. Maybe you're just a wanker. Who knows?
I thought Dan was Corky, anyways, seeing as you are confused, try again... link

But still there's a few lads here like Corky who will argue blind that Israel are only defending themselves and have done nothing wrong. Comical.
I made the type big this time, it might help with your obvious stupidity
The West always responds too late to disasters, the Hamas attack on 0ct 7th happened due to the escalating violence in the West Bank perpetrated by Israel which the West tolerated, after Hamas launched the atrocity against Israel the West was like do what you must to Israel but what Israel wanted was revenge the West should have intervened on or just after Oct 7th to prevent the situation from getting out of hand but instead Israel was allowed off the hook to reign destruction. Here is a fact the Serbian Kosovo war which saw NATO intervention caused less deaths than the Israel Hamas war which has seen no intervention. Interesting facts.
Yes the West did act too late and with limited resources initially in Balkans but NATO facing down the Russians and sending them packing in Kosovo did save many lives.

What did you expect the 101st to parachute into Gaza?
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