I have only ever heard about this programme, I am not into GAA at all so I imagine it is probably Dumplin presenters interviewing bog trotting GAA supporters and taking the piss out of them indirectly.
So what's the story with the name of the show ?
Up for the match ?
If one is going from the South of the country to Dumplin then that is going North and technically that is in an Northerly direction so that can therefore apply to the South of The Country so the programme title is correct here.
However if one is coming from the West it is over to Dumplin.
If one is coming from the North, it is down to Dumplin.
So is the name of the programme a slap on the back to the superiority to which those in Dumplin feel about themselves?
Or is it just the bogger GAA supporters from outside the pale that confuses them in Dumplin so they assume that anyone from outside of the M50 is a bogger?
one always goes up to the capital.
it's a British thing.