Trump is back baby!

Who will win the debate

  • Trump

    Votes: 16 32.0%
  • Harris

    Votes: 22 44.0%
  • I genuinely don’t care at this stage

    Votes: 12 24.0%

  • Total voters
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon B. Johnson

But substitute black for "not white straight protestant male" to bring it up to date
The best American President of the 20th century.
Lol Johnson blundered into nightmare of Vietnam as he was too shit scared to be seen as going against JFK policy.

He wasnt even the best U.S. president of the sixties.
JFK didn’t achieve much in his time in office and both Nixon and Eisenhower were President for less than 12/12 months in the 60s. You don’t strike me as a JFK fan so why was either Nixon or Eisenhower the best US President of the 60s?
To be clear you cant overstate how much of a disaster the Vietnam war was for the U.S. It was ruinous economically as well as societally poisonous and did generational damage to U.S. international standing.

LBJ ploughed on with this unfolding disaster and lied to the U.S. public in the process.
Nixon only got in on the promise of getting them out.

Trying to whitewash him as the greatest president of the 20th century shows a laughable lack of understanding of U.S. politics

Stick to Jed Bartlett you bum lol.
Erra ya sure don’t answer the question at all. Why break the habit of a lifetime 😂
Nixon very nearly lost in 68 to Humphrey. He did a lot of good but when I look at the negatives I see only Vietnam for LBJ. For Nixon I see Vietnam (the US didn’t pull out until Nixon’s second term and they broke a promise to the South Vietnamese to not let North Vietnam take over) and Watergate.

Nixon himself described LBJ as the most effective legislative leader of the 20th century.
Myles Gaffney and Band
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

4th Apr 2025 @ 7:00 pm
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