Training Run Times

I genuinely can’t remember the last time I ran in an organised group run. Definitely pre-Covid.

Ballintotis tonight was a nice return. Organisation was spot on and a credit to all involved Jimmy. Great support all the way around as well particularly on the main road section near the end. Very impressive and super supportive.

I intentionally started near the back, so I was constantly passing people, which mentally kept me motivated. That and running the racing line (as detailed here a few years back by BPT et al) meant passing even more people who were unnecessarily running wide.

I finished just over 40 minutes so happy enough with that. About 7 minutes off what I ran it six years ago, but I’m not getting younger either!
I genuinely can’t remember the last time I ran in an organised group run. Definitely pre-Covid.

Ballintotis tonight was a nice return. Organisation was spot on and a credit to all involved Jimmy. Great support all the way around as well particularly on the main road section near the end. Very impressive and super supportive.

I intentionally started near the back, so I was constantly passing people, which mentally kept me motivated. That and running the racing line (as detailed here a few years back by BPT et al) meant passing even more people who were unnecessarily running wide.

I finished just over 40 minutes so happy enough with that. About 7 minutes off what I ran it six years ago, but I’m not getting younger either!
Well done MarkY.. g’wan ya good thing :)

Did you manage it in one go, or did you do the walk/run approach?
What a great night, Go to my allocated stewarding field at 6pm , a slow trickle of cars at that stage but it soon picked up and from 6.45
to 7.30 it was manic busy, Just about had enough room, Headed to start area and had our usual club photo by the lake,
Headed for the 32-34 min pen, Great atmosphere, John Cashman of c103 on commentary, Off we went and i eased along knowing the hill was just up the road, Turned right and took it handy going up the hill, Left then past the castle, Traffic was heavy as some tried to squeeze through but i stuck with my
pace, Got to mile 1 @ 8.58, Turned left and the road widens nicely, Plenty of space so i picked it up a bit, Bit of a pull at that stage,
Sharp left turn and nice flat section and was beginning to pass a few, 2ND MILE @ 8.27 and felt good but wanted to ensure i had something in the tank for the cameras at the finish, Nice flat/downhill section until a pull at 2.75 miles, mile 3 @ 8.06,
Turned out onto the main road and as Marky said the support was incredible, Line of stewards and people roaring us on, Heard my name shouted
on lots of occasions, S light pull as you pass the picnic area, Legs were tiring now, Turned for home and gathered myself for the finish,
Found myself racing a couple of lads, Commentator called my name as the line came in sight, I wiped any drool from my mouth for the camera shot,
Found the strength to finish with a sprint last 200m, 4th mile @ 8.10 Got over the line 33.40 really happy,
Mingled with people , drank my water and ate my banana, Joined the queue for the tea and sandwiches, Some operation and organisation,
Going to do as many summer races as i can now, Midleton early may 5 miles,
What a great night, Go to my allocated stewarding field at 6pm , a slow trickle of cars at that stage but it soon picked up and from 6.45
to 7.30 it was manic busy, Just about had enough room, Headed to start area and had our usual club photo by the lake,
Headed for the 32-34 min pen, Great atmosphere, John Cashman of c103 on commentary, Off we went and i eased along knowing the hill was just up the road, Turned right and took it handy going up the hill, Left then past the castle, Traffic was heavy as some tried to squeeze through but i stuck with my
pace, Got to mile 1 @ 8.58, Turned left and the road widens nicely, Plenty of space so i picked it up a bit, Bit of a pull at that stage,
Sharp left turn and nice flat section and was beginning to pass a few, 2ND MILE @ 8.27 and felt good but wanted to ensure i had something in the tank for the cameras at the finish, Nice flat/downhill section until a pull at 2.75 miles, mile 3 @ 8.06,
Turned out onto the main road and as Marky said the support was incredible, Line of stewards and people roaring us on, Heard my name shouted
on lots of occasions, S light pull as you pass the picnic area, Legs were tiring now, Turned for home and gathered myself for the finish,
Found myself racing a couple of lads, Commentator called my name as the line came in sight, I wiped any drool from my mouth for the camera shot,
Found the strength to finish with a sprint last 200m, 4th mile @ 8.10 Got over the line 33.40 really happy,
Mingled with people , drank my water and ate my banana, Joined the queue for the tea and sandwiches, Some operation and organisation,
Going to do as many summer races as i can now, Midleton early may 5 miles,
Well done JimmY, great stuff all round 👏

I heard there was mention of the East Cork Usain Bolt coming down the straight alright :)
Pierce Turner
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