Training Run Times

Onto the final week of the 5k plan ... again! 8.1 was a 28minute block and its annoying that a. The app includes your walk time (5 mins x 2 for the warm up and cool down) so the total distance isn't a true reflection but I'd say I'm not that far off the 30 minute mark ar all. And b. My strava app didn't start as that would have told me what I was track for. On a related yet unrelated note the recurring theme of losing an ear bud running continues for the 3rd year in a row. Popped out as I was finishing it up and almost impossibly got volleyed into the Union Canal by my left foot. Slowly making its way to Glasgow right now
lol.. Jack Crowley-esque :)

Keep her lit with the running.. I mashed a big toe a whole back and had something else before that so I’m only just back myself, getting out once a week maybe and back playing 5 a side again. i have a 1 year old mutt who’s going well now on the lead so going to start running with her in the mornings rather than walking her. That would get me out running 3 times a week which is plenty for what I’m after
lol.. Jack Crowley-esque :)

Keep her lit with the running.. I mashed a big toe a whole back and had something else before that so I’m only just back myself, getting out once a week maybe and back playing 5 a side again. i have a 1 year old mutt who’s going well now on the lead so going to start running with her in the mornings rather than walking her. That would get me out running 3 times a week which is plenty for what I’m after
If I was any closer to Murrayfield I'd be the second 10 behind our Ben for next season!!

3 times a week is my aim too. Want to be able just "go for a run" on holiday or back Leeside.
2 5ks and then a longer stretch on weekends would be ideal.
Great old buzz at the John Buckley last night – 900 runners ripping up the Marina and the Centre Park Road behind a high quality field on a beautiful sunny summer’s evening. The JB is quality as well as mass participation – usually the top 50 are under 17 minutes, the top 100 are under 18 minutes and the top 200 are under 20 minutes. You could easily argue that this race is the number one running event in Cork each year.

I picked up the number (a cool one as well, 222) no hassle, warned up with a three-miler down the Monkstown line and then headed into the start line crush. I know 900 is a lot of folks to manage but in fairness, it wouldn’t kill the BHAA to put a few start pens in place – Sub 16, Sub 18, Sub 20, Sub 22 and then the rest. They’re taking in thousands in revenue for the event.

With the crush the start was a real mosh pit, first 250 metres after the gun gimping along with the elbows out and making sure lads don’t cut in front of you. Coming towards the Atlantic Pond it thinned a bit but then a fierce bunchup again at Lee Rowing Club just before the turn. Still, it always seems worse than it is and even though I was puffing hard we came through mile 1 in 6:13. My injury-prone mentality had as priority 1 to get through the race without a hamstring failure, then priority 2 was to get under 20 minutes if I could. That means 6:24 miling so we were good at that first mile post.

There was still fierce bunching on the road as we turned onto Centre Park Road and headed up the long straight towards the city. I was starting to settle now and was passing a lot more than passed me, so there was a fair bit of dodging into gaps still needed. If there can ever be said to be an easier part of a 5km race, this is probably it – first mile is done, you’re in full aerobic mode and there’s still another 5 or 6 minutes of VO2 max before the absolute suffer-fest takes over.

The turn for home at the top of Monahan Road

Towards the end of Centre Park Road I passed a few runners that I wouldn’t expect to be ahead of so that was a good boost and even though you’re over a mile from home it’s a good feeling as you turn onto Monahan Road – that’s the turn for home and I clipped through the 2-mile mark in 6:08. I had a decent cushion now for the sub-20 target. This was as fast as I had run in any race in years (not due to a performance boost – it was also my shortest race in years) so the Monahan Road flew by as I was targeting runners ahead. Around 2.6 miles the pain really kicked in and at this point, no matter how good the buzz, you really do want it to be over. Just approaching the Pairc I was really on fumes and wasn’t moving up or down the field any more. Blessedly, the 3-mile buzz pinged on the watch as we came in off the Monahan Road. 6:07, and the finish was in sight over beyond the corner at the far end of the Astro pitch. Round the bend to see the beautiful sight - the finish clock, a little earlier than I had expected. Brilliant, over the line, stop the watch (19:09!) and just about stay standing.

A few hand slaps and fist bumps and I eventually found timeout to sup some water with and go for a 2-mile warmdown. Jaysus, the hamstrings were in bits in the first warmdown mile but the second mile was easier alright. Either way, a great night out
Great Stuff Terrier, delighted it went so well for you. Enjoyed the read with my coffee. I was looking for you on the finish line video last night. I was never looking for a fella in a Yella singlet so i missed you entirely. Our friend Viv started out conservatively enough and picked it up towards the end. 5:06, 5:04, 4:59 & 4:02 pace for the final .15 of a mile! Ridiculous carry on for a fella just turned 53!
Great Stuff Terrier, delighted it went so well for you. Enjoyed the read with my coffee. I was looking for you on the finish line video last night. I was never looking for a fella in a Yella singlet so i missed you entirely. Our friend Viv started out conservatively enough and picked it up towards the end. 5:06, 5:04, 4:59 & 4:02 pace for the final .15 of a mile! Ridiculous carry on for a fella just turned 53!
Cheers lad. Yeah I was talking to him afterwards and for one the usual self-deprecation was kept under control! Donal Coakley was saying that Viv just took off as they passed the old Tedcastles Coal place and nobody in their group could live with him.
LOL, I thought I was doing well with 5:45 for the last .15 of a mile 😜
Onto the final week of the 5k plan ... again! 8.1 was a 28minute block and its annoying that a. The app includes your walk time (5 mins x 2 for the warm up and cool down) so the total distance isn't a true reflection but I'd say I'm not that far off the 30 minute mark ar all. And b. My strava app didn't start as that would have told me what I was track for. On a related yet unrelated note the recurring theme of losing an ear bud running continues for the 3rd year in a row. Popped out as I was finishing it up and almost impossibly got volleyed into the Union Canal by my left foot. Slowly making its way to Glasgow right now
Reminds me of that Simon Zebo control there a few years ago. And you a rugger fan and all, Nelly.
Edinburgh (Half) Marathon today. Still one of the deliberately misnamed ones out there. 3 miles at the outskirts of the city and the rest is out in East Lothian. Their dreaded cone (run away from the finish line for 3 miles to only turn around a drill cone on the floor) is exasperated on the Full circuit. Massive drag out to the sticks only to turn around and come back the way you come again.
Needless to say it won't be selling itself to me again!

Just the one run left for me on the 5k plan. A 35 minuter. Which would be my max target for a 5k. Finished the 30 min one on Friday and was half thinking of trying to squeeze in the 5k but I talked myself back and actually ended up slower if anything and the hamstrings and calfs are all the better for it.
I was at ~2.83 miles in 30 minutes so not far off. Hoping for sub 33 on the next one.
Edinburgh (Half) Marathon today. Still one of the deliberately misnamed ones out there. 3 miles at the outskirts of the city and the rest is out in East Lothian. Their dreaded cone (run away from the finish line for 3 miles to only turn around a drill cone on the floor) is exasperated on the Full circuit. Massive drag out to the sticks only to turn around and come back the way you come again.
Needless to say it won't be selling itself to me again!

Just the one run left for me on the 5k plan. A 35 minuter. Which would be my max target for a 5k. Finished the 30 min one on Friday and was half thinking of trying to squeeze in the 5k but I talked myself back and actually ended up slower if anything and the hamstrings and calfs are all the better for it.
I was at ~2.83 miles in 30 minutes so not far off. Hoping for sub 33 on the next one.
5 of my club mates did the full today.
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

26th Apr 2025 @ 7:00 pm
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Crane Lane Theatre, Today @ 11pm

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