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What kind of person refers to their child as 'it'?

A very strange individual.
The guy is a grade A idiot.

“We’re not going to fight against society. But to the extent that we can, in our home, in our own relationship with Juniper, we don’t want to limit the kind of future they will foresee for themselves.

“The role that they will perceive for themselves, the type of play that they will perceive for themselves by saying ‘you’re a boy or you’re a girl’. Just let them decide for themselves.

“You want to dress in pink? Fire ahead. You want to dress in blue? Fire ahead. You want to play football? Brilliant. You want to go dancing? Amazing... it’s just not to limit.

“Obviously, the vast majority of parents do gender their child and I’ve no criticism of that whatsoever, no judgment. But it is true that if you put the label, boy or girl on your child, you definitely increase the chances of them going down one road or another.”

Does the clown not realise that boys can dance and girls can play rugby/football without having to be raised gender neutral? The man has a lot to learn about parenthood, a few months of dealing with exploding nappies, colic, ear infections, and the rest of it and he'll understand that the child's gender preferences are the least of his problems.

He should be damn glad he is the parent of a healthy baby boy and stop this gender codology.
What kind of person refers to their child as 'it'?

The guy is a grade A idiot.

Does the clown not realise that boys can dance and girls can play rugby/football without having to be raised gender neutral? The man has a lot to learn about parenthood, a few months of dealing with exploding nappies, colic, ear infections, and the rest of it and he'll understand that the kids gender preferences are the least of his problems.

Tbh with him I think its all about getting in the news and keeping high profile.

The guys a complete fruitcake.

The voters of Dublin Sth-West would give Cork North Central a run for their money electing that tulip 3 times

An independent inquiry has been called to examine the cases of Irish children who were referred to the controversial Tavistock clinic in the UK for psychological assessment and support with gender identity issues.

The HSE has continued to use Tavistock's Gender Identity Development Service despite a critical report and a recommendation that it should close, which will take effect later this year.

Fine Gael TD and former justice minister Charlie Flanagan said revised figures from Tavistock show there were 240 referrals from Ireland to the clinic over 14 years. Of those, 58 were aged 16 years and older and 182 were 15 years or younger. Twice the number of girls were referred, compared with boys. A new book, Time To Think by Hannah Barnes, revealed more than 1,000 children at the clinic were prescribed puberty blockers, while former staff compared it to the 'doping of East German athletes'.

The HSE confirmed yesterday that it still refers patients to Tavistock, despite concerns raised by senior clinicians here.

This is an absolute scandal.

Norway pushing back against this bonkers ideology and the untold damage it is doing to confused young people. Norway's proposed model appears to resemble the model of care outlined in the Cass review. Gender dysphoric youth will receive care for their distress in local primary care settings with multidisciplinary support. Youth gender transitions will be an exception, not the rule
Jackie Fabulous (Americas Got Talent) Plus Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

4th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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