things british people love

Certainly hope my nephews do. And I think they do :cool:

How do your British nephews feel about your unwavering support for people who blew up their cities and killed many innocent British people in the process?

Or do you keep that quiet when you're over there having high tea and eating cucumber sandwiches 🥪
How do your British nephews feel about your unwavering support for people who blew up their cities and killed many innocent British people in the process?

Or do you keep that quiet when you're over there having high tea and eating cucumber sandwiches 🥪

If you read what I write, and not pretend to know what I write, you'd know that I don't hold with bombings - never did. The killing of innocent British civilians was deplorable, whether it was by the IRA, or Loyalists, or indeed by British so called forces of "Law and Order"

I do like having high tea - the repast not the drink - but I find cucumber to be revolting tbh.
If you read what I write, and not pretend to know what I write, you'd know that I don't hold with bombings - never did. The killing of innocent British civilians was deplorable, whether it was by the IRA, or Loyalists, or indeed by British so called forces of "Law and Order"

I do like having high tea - the repast not the drink - but I find cucumber to be revolting tbh.

That's grand so, you enjoy your high tea, once you're comfortable that's fine. Pull up the ladder there Paddy

None of those children killed by the IRA will ever get to have high tea.
That's grand so, you enjoy your high tea, once you're comfortable that's fine. Pull up the ladder there Paddy

None of those children killed by the IRA will ever get to have high tea.
None of the 1M+ who died in the Fammine would get to enjoy high tea either MOE - not sure what point it is you’re trying to make tbh
Niamh Regan
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

14th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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