The unpopular opinion thread.

I find sitting on beaches boring. I’d much rather a city break where you are out all day visiting tourist spots and a few drinks on the way.

I know a number of people away at the moment, and all they are doing is going from pub to pub. No sightseeing, no day trips, not even the beach, just pubs.

What the fuck is the point of that??

I'm definitely not one to sit on a beach either. More to life.
Sun holidays are overrated.

Hardly an "unpopular opinion" per thread title! I'd say at least half the population wouldn't care if they never sat by the pool or beach in Canary Islands, Majorca, etc in their lives and another 25% just go because they feel obliged to give their smallies a dose of sunshine and playing in the water for a week or so!

There is a cohort (PJ Coogan being one) whose existence seems defined to a large extent by their couple of weeks in Lanza or wherever, basting themselves red during the day and drinking cheap lager in the Shamrock or Red Lion bars in the pm!!
Quieter little fishing villages is where I'd be in heaven on holiday.
Finding their walks beauty spots and beaches, eating and conversing with the locals, listening to their history. Visiting the places they recommend me to see.
I find sitting on beaches boring. I’d much rather a city break where you are out all day visiting tourist spots and a few drinks on the way.
Pre kids myself and my husband went on a shitty package holiday to crete because it was the cheapest way to get there. The place we were staying in was basic but fine. It has the shittiest pool area in the front though. Manky like

There was another couple from Cork staying in the same place and every day they got up, sat by the manky pool (15 min walk from the most beautiful beaches) and drank cans, and every day we got up and went off exploring the island.

We thought they were mad, and we could see that the feeling was mutual ;-)
Jackie Fabulous (Americas Got Talent) Plus Guests
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5th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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