The Official PROC Restaurant review thread.

Is his restaurant in Killarney still going? I see him around Cork a good bit, he's always in the market
I went up there well over a year ago maybe 2 around 6.30. Place was empty. The girl said I needed a reservation so we fucked off elsewhere and was served instantly.
If ever a place was guaranteed to go out of business that place is.
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I know a bloke who did some renovations for him and ended up living with him for a period. They lived on steak and red wine. Amazing chef, but yeah, operating on a different frequency altogether.
Years ago I was at an event where he did the catering. There were a load of vegetarians there so the food was supposed to be exclusively vegetarian. It ended up being full of black puddings, prawns etc. I was personally delighted to reap the benefits.
Pillow Queens
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

5th Dec 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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